On Tuesday, Yair Netanyahu apologized for the recorded conversation, which he said was held “under the influence of alcohol.” Aside from the comments about a girlfriend, the three young men discussed going to a strip club and made a series of offensive and insensitive remarks.“I said ridiculous things about women and other foolish things that were better left unsaid,” he said in a statement.“These words do not represent who I am, the values I was raised on or what I believe in. I regret [saying] them and apologize if anyone was hurt by them.”Na’amat, a women’s rights NGO, said on Tuesday that Netanyahu’s recorded words were “offensive and shocking.”The organization added that the prime minister and his wife should offer an “unequivocal condemnation of these serious and violent words.”Levi has recently modeled for wedding dress designer Yam Yam Yagoodaev's 2018 catalog, who chose the aftermath of the Netanyahu scandal as the opportune time to release the new collection.