Episode 20: Our heroes mull the convenience of super-attireEpisode 19: Our heroes consider the pros and cons of video gamesEpisode 18: Our heroes ponder the state of modern music - and Miley Cyrusconsole.log("2390 BODY2. CatId is:"+catID);if(catID==120){	console.log("2390 BODY. YES for anyclip script");	var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'https://player.anyclip.com/anyclip-widget/lre-widget/prod/v1/src/lre.js'; script.setAttribute('pubname','jpostcom'); script.setAttribute('widgetname','0011r00001lcD1i_12258'); document.getElementsByClassName('divAnyClip')[0].appendChild(script);			}else if(catID !== 151) {	let widgetid = "60fd6becf6393400049e6535";	if(catID === 69){		widgetid = "65c3a2148772803523c6f41b";	}else if(catID === 161){		widgetid = "65c3a224fb10822a0a7db2dd";	}		console.log("2390 BODY. YES for vidazoo script"); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'https://static.vidazoo.com/basev/vwpt.js'; script.setAttribute('data-widget-id', widgetid); document.getElementsByClassName('divVidazoo')[0].appendChild(script);} Episode 17: Our heroes have an unusual encounter with a hero of their own!Episode 16: Our heroes contemplate the reality of the neighborhoodand ruffle some feathersEpisode 15: Our heroes stumble upon a mysterywith an unexpected outcomeEpisode 14: Our heroes prepare for Yom Kippur, with some special outfits Episode 13: Our heroes dream ofinternational fame and fortuneEpisode 12: Our heroes have anunfortunate encounter with an old arch-foeEpisode 11: Our heroes discover thejoys of lipreading Stay updated with the latest news! Subscribe to The Jerusalem Post Newsletter Subscribe Now Episode 10: Our heroes prepare forthe summer vacationEpisode 9: Our heroes discover theimpact of the Iranian electionsEpisode 8: Our heroes ponderthe meaning of spring Episode 7: Our heroes discusssome real-life zombies!Episode 6: Our heroes discuss the downside of superpowers!Episode 5: Our heroes photobomb a Zionist icon!Episode 4: Our heroes time travel to save Hanukkah!Episode 3: Our heroes come to Netanyahu's aid!Episode 2: Our heroes reveal their true powers!Episode 1: Our heroes meet for the first time!