Bringing Christians to Israel: Ancient prophecy into a modern reality - opinion

It’s time to expand our mission objectives at Israel Experience and facilitate the bringing of those “nations” that God promised would come when He raised the banner.

 A DELEGATION of CRIF, an umbrella group of French Jewish organizations, views the horrors of October 7 on a recent visit to Israel. The delegation included Jewish and Christian public figures (photo credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/THE ISRAEL EXPERIENCE)
A DELEGATION of CRIF, an umbrella group of French Jewish organizations, views the horrors of October 7 on a recent visit to Israel. The delegation included Jewish and Christian public figures

As an Israeli and a member of planet Earth, the events of October 7 and the subsequent war between Israel and Hamas have cleaved my heart and soul in two.

In my role as the CEO of Israel Experience, a division of the Jewish Agency that organizes trips for youth to rediscover their ancient heritage and as a high-level tour provider, I can’t shake this feeling of helplessness and distress regarding the current projections for the resumption of tourism. Additionally, resuming the mission of inspiring the next generation to support Israel has become all the more difficult. Not to mention the significant military undertaking our soldiers, my friends, and family face as reservists and Israeli citizens living under ongoing threats.

In these dark times, I aim to provide tangible support for the people of Israel. Therefore, our company and team are directing our resources toward bringing solidarity missions for Israel. As we launch new itineraries designed to unite supporters of Israel with victims of the massacre, rocket fire, and trauma, we recognize the need to provide a channel for Christian supporters of Israel who are standing by and want to help.

During our preparations, I was forcibly reminded of events from the Holocaust, a time when Jews had very few friends to count on in their calamity. However, there were righteous individuals among the nations who risked their lives to protect Jewish people and provide support when all else had forsaken them. These stories give me hope and faith in humanity as we witness college campuses and cities overflowing with messages of hate for Jews and Israel.

‘Hope, healing, service’ Israel tour attended by 75 Christians from 10 nations.  (credit: FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries) )Enlrage image
‘Hope, healing, service’ Israel tour attended by 75 Christians from 10 nations. (credit: FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries) )

The Christians' dedication to the land of Israel

Today, it’s challenging to find a charity or cause in Israel without a community of Christians backing it up or a Christian Friends chapter abroad. We, as Israelis, have experienced the dedication of Christians to the land of Israel and their support abroad, which has helped shape policies toward Israel and its people.

I know now that Christians will answer the call for Israel and stand with us against agents of evil around the world that seek our destruction. I see it as imperative that we craft an organized mission trip designed for these staunch supporters of Israel seeking to comfort and stand by Israel to provide a bridge for these supporters.

Our objective at Israel Experience is to literally fulfill biblical prophecy every day by ingathering the exiles and lost sheep of Israel through organized trips for tens of thousands of young Jews. We take our mission statement directly from Deuteronomy 30:3-5:

“He will once again gather you from all the nations... Even if your exiles are at the end of the heavens, the Lord, your God, will gather you from there, and He will take you from there. And the Lord, your God, will bring you...”

However, God’s covenant doesn’t stop at gathering the exiles. In the very same verse from the prophet Joel 3:1, speaking about the restoration of Zion, God guarantees that we won’t have to do it alone:

“For behold, in those days and at that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations...”

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Israel Experience expands its mission objectives

It’s time to expand our mission objectives at Israel Experience and facilitate the bringing of those “nations” that God promised would come when He raised the banner. As one of Israel’s leading tour agencies, we are equipped to direct our efforts into making this ancient prophecy a modern reality.

Over the last month, many people have traveled to Israel to understand the current situation. They participated in volunteer programs to support communities, met with victims of violence, displaced people, families of those who have been kidnapped, Israeli Christians, Muslims, Bedouins, and Jews. They discussed civil solutions with Israelis and came out with a greater understanding of the grand mosaic that is the Israeli people.

It is now my goal to provide for the global community, allowing Christians to come to Israel to support our spiritual homeland and provide comfort and support during our darkest times. I aim to facilitate your travel as Christians to be seamless, meaningful, and safe.

It is my hope that you will join hands with Israel Experience, fulfilling biblical prophecy together. Come to the land of Israel, show the people of Israel that we are not alone in this fight against evil and darkness.

The writer is CEO of Israel Experience, the Jewish Agency’s education subsidiary company.