Political tactics: Netanyahu deliberately presents himself as clueless - opinion

In order to evade blame, Netanyahu portrays himself as an ignorant fool, distancing himself from responsibility and deflecting accusations.

 Benjamin Netanyahu. ''Personally, I no longer want a prime minister who knows better than everyone else,'' writes Yelin (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Benjamin Netanyahu. ''Personally, I no longer want a prime minister who knows better than everyone else,'' writes Yelin
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

To absolve himself of responsibility for the terrible failures of his term, Netanyahu presents himself as completely impersonal to others. According to his version, the responsibility for the bloodbath on October 7 and its consequences, for the discrimination since that day, and for the fact that his government does not harm Israel every day of its term - does not lie with Netanyahu.

More than 1,200 people were murdered, 251 men, women, and children were kidnapped, of which 120 are still in captivity, entire settlements were abandoned, and their residents exiled to their own countries. Netanyahu, who has served as prime minister for almost 20 years, is not responsible. He knew nothing, heard nothing, and the professionals hid what was happening.

According to Netanyahu and his representatives, the army and the Shin Bet, bodies subordinate to the government, are responsible for the disaster. They even imply that the military and the Shin Bet, through their various branches, conspired with Hamas. According to them, the heads of the security establishment are traitors employed by the Biden administration to carry out the massacre. Either way, they claim that no one warned Netanyahu about the dangers of Hamas.

According to Netanyahu, the Supreme Court and its judges over the years are responsible for the disaster, especially its retired president Aharon Barak, who retired about 20 years ago. According to them, the public prosecutor's office is responsible for the disaster, the body that, together with the court, prevents the government from "governance". The late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who signed the Oslo Accords about 30 years ago, is also responsible for the disaster. Also the late Prime Minister Sharon, who initiated and implemented the disengagement plan about 20 years ago, which Netanyahu voted for in the Knesset.

Netanyahu unwilling to accept responsibility

According to Netanyahu, the protesters against the government, including members of the families of the hostages, who are "an arm of Hamas," are responsible for the disaster. According to them, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Benny Gantz, Gadi Eisenkot, Aviv Kochavi, and any other person of private rank or higher who held a security position, except, of course, Benjamin Netanyahu, are responsible for the disaster.

According to Netanyahu, former Prime Minister Yair Lapid is responsible for the disaster, as he signed an agreement with Lebanon, which remains in force today. Netanyahu did not and is not working to cancel it. According to them, the United States is also responsible for the disaster, which does not supply us with arms and ammunition. 

According to Netanyahu, many are responsible for the disaster and its results, but Netanyahu and his government are exempt from responsibility. To escape responsibility, Netanyahu, who once called himself "another league," presents himself as a complete impersonality, a figure who knows nothing, sees nothing, hears nothing, and is unable to change anything. He introduces himself as a fool that everyone deceives and works behind his back.

Anyone with an understanding, apart from Netanyahu, is clear about his responsibility for the October 7 disaster and the failures and omissions since that day. Netanyahu is not ready to accept responsibility. He will blame the whole world and present himself as a fool. Either way, whether he is responsible for the massacre and its results or whether he is not accountable, given that he is a fool who knows 'nothing,' Netanyahu is not worthy. Netanyahu is not a leader. His continued tenure as prime minister endangers Israel.