Editors Notes: Our synagogues must be protected - comment

We must stand united, resolute, and unwavering in our commitment to protecting Jewish communities and upholding the values of tolerance and human dignity.

 A view of the Derbent Synagogue following an arson and gunfire attack, in the region of Dagestan, Russia, earlier this week.  (photo credit: REUTERS)
A view of the Derbent Synagogue following an arson and gunfire attack, in the region of Dagestan, Russia, earlier this week.
(photo credit: REUTERS)

A chilling scene unfolded recently in Los Angeles, exposing the disturbing trend of normalized anti-Israel violence that is spreading like wildfire across the globe.

The tranquil facade of the Adas Torah Synagogue in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood was shattered as an Israeli real estate event became the target of a violent protest.

What should have been a peaceful gathering turned into a nightmarish battleground, with protesters and counter-protesters clashing in a frenzy of hatred and aggression.

This episode, highlighted earlier this week by The Jerusalem Post, emphasizes the pressing need for Israel and the international community to step up and confront this growing menace head-on.

In the heart of Los Angeles, an otherwise routine real estate event was hijacked by chaos. The Palestinian Youth Movement LA and Code Pink LA, under the guise of protesting “stolen Palestinian land,” orchestrated an attack that saw Jewish community members, journalists, and counter-protesters assaulted with bear mace and physically beaten (“Anti-Israel Protesters Beat, Bear Mace Jews, Journalists at LA Synagogue” by Michael Starr and Jerusalem Post Staff).

 Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with counter-protesters, near Adas Torah synagogue in Pico-Robertson neighborhood, California, U.S., June 23, 2024, in this still image obtained from a video. (credit: REUTERS/SHAY HORSE)
Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with counter-protesters, near Adas Torah synagogue in Pico-Robertson neighborhood, California, U.S., June 23, 2024, in this still image obtained from a video. (credit: REUTERS/SHAY HORSE)

Violence in Los Angeles

The vivid images of Jews being attacked in the streets evoke a dark and painful history, reminding us of past pogroms and the enduring scourge of antisemitism.

This incident wasn’t just a random act of violence; it was a calculated effort to intimidate and silence the Jewish community. Protesters chanted slogans and brandished signs that revealed their true intentions: to delegitimize and ultimately destroy the State of Israel. As Starr notes, “Racist settler expansionists are not welcome in Los Angeles,” making it clear that for these activists, any Israeli presence is illegitimate, whether in the West Bank or within Israel’s recognized borders.

The reaction from local authorities was disappointingly slow and fragmented. LA Mayor Karen Bass eventually promised additional police patrols and a community meeting to address the violence, but this response came only after hours of silence. “Today’s violence in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood was abhorrent,” Bass stated. “Blocking access to a place of worship is unacceptable.” Yet, for many in the Jewish community, the damage was already done, and the lack of immediate action spoke volumes about the normalization of such incidents.

Global synagogue attacks

Unfortunately, Los Angeles is not an isolated case. Synagogues worldwide are increasingly becoming targets of hatred and violence. In Dagestan, Russia, a horrific attack on the Kele-Numaz Synagogue in Derbent left a trail of destruction and fear. On June 24, 2024, gunmen attacked the synagogue, setting it on fire and causing significant damage.

This was part of a coordinated terrorist assault that also targeted churches, demonstrating the indiscriminate nature of this extremist violence (“Russia Mourns: Dagestan Terrorist Attack Death Toll Rises to at Least 20” by Michael Starr and Reuters).

The World Organization of Orthodox Communities and Synagogues has rightly called on Israel to play a leading role in protecting Jewish communities worldwide. In a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the group emphasized the urgent need for increased security and international cooperation to safeguard Jewish institutions (“Synagogues Across the World Are in Danger, Org. Tells Netanyahu in Emergency Letter” by Michael Starr). This appeal highlights Israel’s responsibility to lead global efforts in combating antisemitism and ensuring the safety of Jews worldwide.

The brutality of the Dagestan attack, which claimed the lives of at least 20 people, including policemen, a priest, and several civilians, underscores the severity of the threat. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill mourned those killed in the “barbaric terrorist attack.” He accused the radical attackers of “seeking to sow the seeds of hatred and discord between representatives of different nationalities, cultures, and religions.” This attack serves as a grim reminder that Jewish communities are vulnerable targets, and their protection must be a global priority.

Israel’s role and responsibility

Israel’s role in addressing this escalating crisis is crucial. First, it must intensify diplomatic efforts to raise awareness about the dangers faced by Jewish communities and work with international partners to enhance security measures. Second, Israel must lead by example, demonstrating a zero-tolerance policy toward antisemitic violence and actively supporting Diaspora communities in their struggles.

The normalization of anti-Israel violence, whether in Los Angeles or Dagestan, is a grave threat not only to Jewish communities but also to the fabric of civil society. We must recognize the true nature of these attacks. They are not merely protests against specific policies but part of a broader campaign to delegitimize and ultimately destroy Israel. As Starr wrote, “Synagogues around the world are the center of Jewish existence in the Diaspora and continue the Jewish people’s chain of generations throughout history.”

The broader implications of this violence cannot be ignored. These attacks are not isolated incidents but part of a concerted effort to undermine the safety and security of Jewish communities. They reflect a growing acceptance of antisemitic rhetoric and actions, often disguised as political protest. This normalization of hatred must be confronted head-on, with unequivocal condemnation from all sectors of society.

Moreover, it is crucial to understand that anti-Israel activists often do not differentiate between land in the West Bank and land within Israel’s recognized borders. To them, all Israeli territory is illegitimate, and their ultimate goal is the destruction of the Jewish state. This was evident in the chants heard at the Los Angeles protest, where calls for intifada were made, emphasizing that their issue is with Israel’s very existence, not just its policies.

A call to action

We stand at a crossroads, and our chosen path will define the future of Jewish communities worldwide. It is no longer sufficient to condemn these acts of violence after they occur. We must take bold, decisive action to prevent them.

First and foremost, Israel must spearhead a global initiative to protect Jewish institutions. This includes deploying security personnel to vulnerable communities, providing advanced training for local security forces, and ensuring that every synagogue and Jewish community center is fortified against potential attacks.

The Israeli government should allocate significant resources to this effort, recognizing that the safety of Jews worldwide is intrinsically linked to the security of the Jewish state.

Diplomatically, Israel must rally its allies and partners to adopt a zero-tolerance policy toward antisemitic violence. This involves condemning these acts and implementing strict penalties for those perpetrating them. Countries must be urged to pass laws that enhance the protection of religious minorities and ensure swift justice for hate crimes.

Educational initiatives are equally critical. We need comprehensive programs that teach about the dangers of antisemitism and the importance of tolerance and coexistence. These programs should be mandatory in schools worldwide, ensuring that the next generation grows up understanding the value of diversity and the horrors of hatred.

Furthermore, the international community must recognize and address the root causes of anti-Israel violence. This means confronting and countering the false narratives and propaganda that fuel hatred against Jews and Israel. Media organizations, social media platforms, and governments must work together to combat misinformation and promote accurate, balanced reporting.

Finally, Jewish communities themselves must be proactive. This involves enhancing security measures and fostering solid relationships with local authorities and other religious and ethnic groups. Solidarity and mutual support are powerful tools in the fight against hatred.

The normalization of anti-Israel violence poses a significant threat not only to Jewish communities but also to the broader principles of justice, tolerance, and human dignity. Taking decisive action now can prevent further escalation and ensure a safer future for all. The time to act is now, before more lives are lost and the scourge of antisemitism shatters more communities.

This is a battle we cannot afford to lose. We must stand united, resolute, and unwavering in our commitment to protecting Jewish communities and upholding the values of tolerance and human dignity. The stakes are too high, and the consequences are too dire for us to do anything less.