It's time to get rid of UNRWA and Guterres - opinion

The UN has facilitated a terror-laundering possibility for avowed terrorists to easily become embedded within the relief work sector.

 EGYPTIAN FOREIGN Minister Badr Abdelatty attends a joint press conference with UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini, in Cairo, earlier this month. Several UNRWA employees were involved in the massacre and kidnapping of October 7, the writer states. (photo credit: Amr Abdallah Dalsh/Reuters)
EGYPTIAN FOREIGN Minister Badr Abdelatty attends a joint press conference with UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini, in Cairo, earlier this month. Several UNRWA employees were involved in the massacre and kidnapping of October 7, the writer states.
(photo credit: Amr Abdallah Dalsh/Reuters)

When the head of an international agency that colluded with murderous terrorists to aid and abet a massacre describes it as “indispensable,” it’s time to get rid of the agency and its chief, in this case. UN head Antonio Guterres appears incapable of acknowledging the profound evil that UNRWA has assisted.

Stating that there is “no alternative to the UN’s Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees,” Guterres refuses to express disgust after the disclosure that 12 of his employees were involved in the October 7 attack, essentially turning a blind eye to these crimes.

Several UNRWA employees crossed into Israel on the day of the massacre, with one even providing logistics support to the terrorists.

Four allegedly participated in abductions, whether directly or indirectly.

Two are said to have participated in the raids on communal farming villages.


One UNRWA teacher armed himself with an anti-tank missile the night before the attack.

Another teacher took photos of a female hostage.

An UNRWA school counselor provided unspecified assistance to his son in the abduction of a woman.

An UNRWA social worker is accused of unspecified involvement in the transfer of a murdered IDF soldier’s corpse to Gaza.

UNRWA workers also coordinated movements of pick-up trucks used by the Hamas militants who entered Israel.

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One of them took part in the attack on Kibbutz Be’eri.

Another participated in the Reim attack on an army base and at the Nova festival.

These shocking revelations reverberated throughout the world, causing country after country to halt funding for the “humanitarian organization.” Although Guterres claims to have been horrified, he, nonetheless, appears, incredibly, to believe that UNRWA was not dealt a mortal blow and can resume its activities in an unbiased and humane way.  As the old saying goes, “If you believe that, I’ve got a piece of swamp land I’d like to sell you.”

LET’S BEGIN with the fact that UNRWA employs over 30,000 people, mostly Palestinian refugees. That, alone, is distressing, considering that these are the same people who have been indoctrinated, from birth, to despise the Jewish people living just a few kilometers away – and to whose eradication their terrorist Hamas government is committed. How does that inbred ideology qualify anyone to be a “humanitarian worker?” Unless Jews are viewed as less than human?

Facilitating terror-laundering

What is clear is that the UN has facilitated a terror-laundering possibility for avowed terrorists to easily become embedded within the relief work sector. Legitimate cover is provided by claiming that they are providing much-needed philanthropic global services which include “education, healthcare, and social services to the local population.”  What they fail to disclose is that within those capacities, UNRWA employees are able to be the eyes, ears, and willing arms and legs of their government’s genocidal aspirations – immediately disqualifying them from being fit to work for an organization dedicated to the betterment of mankind.

Why aren’t those 118 countries – who recently signed a joint statement supporting UNRWA’s work – demanding the highest standards of any organization that professes to aid people and, instead, has been clearly facilitating the injuring of others? By continuing their support of UNRWA, those countries are equally complicit in furthering the corrupt system – operated by those enjoying the safe refuge of an unprincipled and dishonorable body – claiming to advocate for peace, justice, and fair dealings yet always managing to castigate Israel as if it were greatest violator of human rights on the face of the planet.

THE EXISTENCE of the United Nations itself no longer appears to have positive or beneficial justification. For years, it has systematically disregarded the many human violations committed by China, Iran, Russia, Yemen, Egypt, Bangladesh, Uganda, Honduras, Pakistan, Turkey, Haiti, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Sudan and so many others – while focusing all its attention on the only democracy in the Middle East which has provided freedom, opportunity, and a high standard of living for its 10 million residents.

Is it possible that the UN is comprised of an assorted collection of Jew-haters loath to accept the existence of Israel as a fait accompli – chief among them being UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres?  After all, he is determined to exonerate UNRWA and allow it to continue to exist. Gazan locals, who are highly vested in seeing the demise of Israel, cannot be expected to administer services free from political agendas while under the umbrella of the United Nations.

This organization is bereft of the goodness, compassion, generosity, and the altruism it claims to pursue. The UN is a highly prejudiced, politically biased, and intolerantly elitist mechanism, whose fixed agenda is out in the open for all to see.

The UN has disqualified itself by neglecting, on its own turf, the much-needed accountability it demands from Israel – while attempting to whitewash real transgressions and a complete disregard for the well-being of suffering innocents in other lands, who are each going through their own hell on earth.

Guterres is presiding over nothing more than a sham humanitarian organization that only champions those of their choosing, while offering no relief to others in desperate and deplorable situations. 

While this perversion has a constituency that mutually benefits from the oppression it facilitates, everyone else who values truth, fair dealings, and righteous accountability should vocally reject a haughty, self-aggrandizing organization that clearly does not look out for its fellow man.  

Undoubtedly, UNRWA will not be dismantled, but, to the extent that it continues to function under what was once a highly-regarded institution, no one should be taken in by these indispensable “angels of mercy” who, while performing their so-called “humane duties” remain wholly committed to the destruction of Israel.

The writer is a former Jerusalem elementary and middle school principal. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, available on Amazon, based on the time-tested wisdom found in the Book of Proverbs.