Promoting a pro-Israel sentiment requires a multifaceted approach - opinion

Ultimately, the goal is to build a more inclusive and empathetic dialogue that recognizes the legitimate aspirations and concerns of all parties involved.

 THE WRITER speaks at a conference organized by the Diaspora Affairs Ministry, in Sderot. (photo credit: Ashley Waxman Bakshi)
THE WRITER speaks at a conference organized by the Diaspora Affairs Ministry, in Sderot.
(photo credit: Ashley Waxman Bakshi)

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most deeply entrenched and emotionally charged issues in international politics. Amid a plethora of narratives, biases, and historical grievances, fostering a pro-Israel sentiment can be challenging.

With my years of experience on social media as a content creator, I find it rather obvious why Israel is losing so much support among the younger generations across the West. The Israeli government, particularly the Foreign Ministry, bears so much blame for not addressing this issue over the years, even though everyone knew how rapidly the anti-Israel sentiment was growing. I also believe that we, as a nation, bear tremendous responsibility for not tackling the problem head-on and specifically not educating our children on how to defend Israel publicly.

Since I was a student on a Canadian university campus 20 years ago, I have witnessed how pro-Israel organizations have tried to advocate for Israel by focusing on the positive aspects of the country, such as its diversity, its culture, and even its advanced hi-tech industry. However, by completely avoiding the accusations directed at Israel, we have allowed space for the anti-Israel and antisemitic propaganda to flourish.

To comprehend Israel’s perspective, it is crucial to delve into the historical context and challenge the false narratives propagated for decades on campuses, in mosques, and now on TikTok. In an era when indigenous rights and an overly simplistic worldview of oppressor versus oppressed have infected the minds of the privileged, we have been accommodating the elimination of the truth, which is that the land of Israel has been the homeland of the Jewish people for millennia and that the children of Israel are the indigenous ethnic group of the land.

Central to promoting pro-Israel sentiment is the affirmation of Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign nation. Most Gen-Z Israelis don’t know about the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the League of Nations mandate, and the United Nations resolution in 1947, all of which recognized the Jewish people’s right to establish a national home in Palestine. If young Israelis and Diaspora Jews don’t know this history, how could they ever advocate that Israel’s existence is a legitimate and internationally sanctioned process?

 Palestinian-Americans and their supporters march as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in downtown Chicago, U.S., October 8, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/ERIC COX)
Palestinian-Americans and their supporters march as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in downtown Chicago, U.S., October 8, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/ERIC COX)

One of the most critical points to address is the longstanding Arab rejection of Israel’s right to exist. Since 1948, several Arab states and non-state actors have refused to recognize Israel and have actively sought its destruction. Highlighting instances of Arab leaders rejecting peace offers and perpetuating violence can shift the focus to the intransigence that has prolonged the conflict.

Radical Islamic ideologies have significantly influenced anti-Zionist sentiments. Groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood espouse an extreme interpretation of Islam that calls for the elimination of Jews and Christians. These groups reject any form of compromise or coexistence, advocating for perpetual jihad against Israel. Understanding the influence of radical Islam on anti-Zionist rhetoric is crucial in addressing the root causes of the conflict.

Failing to mention Iran's involvement 

Most conversations about the conflict also fail to mention Iran’s involvement. Highlighting Iran’s role in perpetuating anti-Zionist propaganda and destabilizing the region is essential in understanding the broader geopolitical dynamics. Anti-Zionist narratives often echo Iranian propaganda, which portrays Israel as a colonial aggressor and a puppet of Western imperialism.

We should encourage discussions that allow for diverse viewpoints, focusing on mutual understanding rather than confrontation. Allowing anti-Zionists or those skeptical of Israel to voice their opinions without immediate interruption can build trust and openness.

Listening attentively to their talking points, concerns, and grievances demonstrates respect and a willingness to understand their perspective. Nod, maintain eye contact, and provide verbal affirmations like “I understand” or “That’s a valid point.” Restate their arguments in your own words to ensure you’ve understood them correctly. This shows genuine interest and helps clarify any misunderstandings. Acknowledge their emotions and the validity of their feelings.

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For instance, if someone says, ”Israel is an apartheid state,” I would answer with, “I understand why you might feel that way, given some of the media portrayals. However, Israel is a democracy with equal rights for all its citizens, including Arabs, who serve in the Knesset and hold various public offices.” If someone asserts that Palestinians are victims of Israeli aggression, I would first acknowledge the Palestinian people’s tragic suffering and the fact that their plight deserves attention. I would then inform them by saying, “Israel has repeatedly offered peace deals and compromises, but the Palestinian leadership has rejected them. The ongoing conflict is driven by a complex web of issues, including rejectionism and terrorism from groups like Hamas.”

MY MAIN goal is not to “convince” my opponent to be a loud and proud Zionist; rather, I set a more modest goal of merely having them recognize that they might not be as well-versed on the topic as they thought. I always try to end the conversation with them realizing that my main goal is peace and that instead of fostering hate online, they should be placing their efforts on building bridges and coming up with constructive ideas for peace and security for all people between the “river and the sea.”

Promoting a pro-Israel sentiment requires a multifaceted approach that involves historical education, empathetic dialogue, and a commitment to countering misinformation.  Understanding the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and addressing the root causes of anti-Zionism can help foster a more balanced and informed perspective.

Emphasizing Israel’s right to exist, countering antisemitism in all its forms, and highlighting the role of radical ideologies can help shift the narrative toward peace and coexistence. Ultimately, the goal is to build a more inclusive and empathetic dialogue that recognizes the legitimate aspirations and concerns of all parties involved.

The writer is a spokesperson at the Israeli Citizen Spokesperson’s Office. She has an MA in counterterrorism and homeland security and is an activist and advocate for Israel and in combating antisemitism.