It's time to fight back against UN's agenda against Israel - opinion

The UN’s lies and the political agenda behind them are a continuation of a long-standing tradition of bias against Israel. It is time to fight back with no compromises.

 INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL Court Prosecutor Karim Khan speaks to the media upon arrival in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, last month.  (photo credit: Benoit Nyemba/Reuters)
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL Court Prosecutor Karim Khan speaks to the media upon arrival in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, last month.
(photo credit: Benoit Nyemba/Reuters)

The false allegations of sexual abuse against Hamas terrorists captured during the fighting in Gaza represent yet another moral collapse of the so-called “United Nations.” The fabricated report, allegedly based on leaked information from the Israeli Military Prosecutor’s Office, served as misleading “evidence” for this decision. However, in reality, there was no factual basis for these claims.

The UN continues to break records in hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy, once again proving that it is nothing more than a propaganda tool for Hamas and terror supporters. 

Blood libels against Jews have a long history – from the 13th century, when the Catholic Church in Spain incited hatred by falsely claiming that Jews used Christian children’s blood to bake matzah; to Nazi Germany, which portrayed Jews as inferior beings marked for extermination. For centuries, antisemitism and the spread of blood libels have fueled persecution and attempts to annihilate Jews.

Today, with the backing of the UN and its institutions, antisemitism is rearing its ugly head once again. The organization has become a place where hatred of Jews is taken for granted in many of its member states.The current case is particularly severe due to the cynical manner in which the report was released, the circumstances of the decision, and its far-reaching diplomatic consequences

A fabricated story, a global deception

The entire narrative was based on a document allegedly leaked from the Israeli Military Prosecutor’s Office, claiming there was evidence of rape and sexual abuse of Hamas terrorists from its elite Nukhba special forces, who were captured after the brutal and large-scale massacre in Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

 Delegates at work at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. (credit: UN Photo/Manuel Elias)Enlrage image
Delegates at work at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. (credit: UN Photo/Manuel Elias)

These allegations received widespread coverage in media outlets hostile to Israel and quickly escalated into an official UN discussion. However, a thorough examination of the claims revealed them to be completely false. The Israeli Military Prosecutor’s Office never launched an investigation on this matter, nor is there any evidence suggesting such behavior by IDF soldiers. 

Moreover, senior Israeli security officials exposed this as part of a disinformation campaign designed to tarnish Israel’s reputation on the international stage. Despite this, the UN chose to adopt these lies and treat them as absolute truth while completely ignoring reliable sources proving otherwise.

An absurd report and institutionalized hatred

The UN’s so-called “investigative committee” published a report filled with ridiculous allegations that only someone detached from reality could write. One of the central accusations is that Israel engaged in the “systematic destruction of women’s healthcare facilities, thereby harming childbirth in Gaza and reducing the Palestinian population’s ability to reproduce” – an outrageous and delusional claim.

The report went even further, suggesting that this amounted to “revenge, no less than an act of genocide and a crime against humanity.” Additionally, the international organization accused Israel of using sexual violence as a war strategy, alongside claims of “murderous acts” against Palestinians in Gaza.

The UN’s decision to condemn Israel based on unfounded accusations is yet another testament to how its institutions have long become political tools serving the interests of countries hostile to Israel. While other nations commit horrifying crimes – such as China against the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, North Korea against its own citizens, and Arab regimes against ethnic minorities – the UN repeatedly chooses to single out Israel.

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At the same time, Israel has provided live testimonies of rape and sexual abuse victims, some of which were filmed by the barbaric Hamas perpetrators themselves. These were submitted to international bodies, including the UN.

Yet, the organization chose to embrace Hamas’s blatant lies instead; an upside-down world indeed.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres failed to unequivocally condemn Hamas’s murderous terror and did not even wait for a proper investigation of the facts before expressing his “concern” over the reports. In doing so, he gave legitimacy to this scandalous decision.

The UN Security Council and General Assembly adopted the false narrative without any skepticism, ignoring severe human rights violations happening elsewhere in the world.

The Hague tribunal: A biased and corrupt institution

Another key figure in this smear campaign against Israel is Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, who is notorious for his hostility toward Israel. It is worth noting that this same prosecutor was himself accused of sexual harassment and pressuring the complainant to retract her allegations.

According to a report in the British Mail on Sunday, Khan pressured a colleague to withdraw her complaint of misconduct against him and even urged her to write a letter recanting her claims.

It is disgraceful that individuals with antisemitic tendencies, who are themselves accused of sexual offenses, still hold positions in an organization that has long lost its legitimacy.

And if you were wondering – Karim Khan continues to serve as the ICC’s chief prosecutor, with full backing from the international judicial system.

When it comes to the UN and its judicial bodies, one must question how this biased organization selects the judges and prosecutors who serve it – especially when some of them have committed criminal offenses themselves.

A judge convicted of modern slavery

A shocking new case has emerged in Britain involving UN Judge Lydia Mugambe, who was responsible for adjudicating cases of war crimes and human rights violations. She has now been convicted of severe offenses related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

In an extraordinary case, Mugambe abused her status to force a young woman to work as her servant without pay in her UK home.

Mugambe, also a High Court judge in Uganda, was found guilty in the Oxford Crown Court of conspiring to violate UK immigration laws, assisting unlawful travel for exploitation, forcing someone to work and conspiracy to intimidate a witness.

She was appointed in May 2023 to the UN’s International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals and was supposed to adjudicate cases of war crimes.

She was found guilty, and her sentencing is scheduled for May 2 in the Oxford Crown Court.

UN encourages terror while exploiting real victims

Beyond the immediate damage to Israel’s image, the UN’s decision has severe international consequences, as it legitimizes Hamas’s false narrative. When organizations like the UN give a platform to false allegations, they empower a murderous terrorist organization and encourage it to continue using civilians as human shields.

Additionally, this constitutes a grave injustice to real sexual assault victims worldwide. When false accusations are treated as fact, it undermines the credibility of genuine complaints from men and women who have suffered from sexual violence.

Israel now faces a significant challenge on the global stage: the battle for truth. As international organizations continue to spread misinformation about Israel, it is imperative to counter this with diplomatic, legal, and media efforts to expose the hypocrisy and lies.

The Israeli government, along with pro-Israel advocates worldwide, must invest in a strong and sophisticated public diplomacy strategy to combat anti-Israel propaganda and present the world with accurate facts. Simultaneously, pressure must be exerted on Western nations that support the UN to act against its anti-Israel bias.

The truth must be spoken loud and clear: There was no rape, no sexual abuse, and the IDF operates with the highest moral standards. The UN’s lies and the political agenda behind them are a continuation of a long-standing tradition of bias against Israel. It is time to fight back with no compromises.

The writer is CEO of Radios 100FM, honorary consul general, deputy dean of the Consular Diplomatic Corps, president of the Israeli Radio Communication Association, and former television correspondent for NBC News.