Click here to send us your comments >> Stephen L. Dugas, Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA: Ms. Glick, as usual, has correctly perceived the situation. I assure her, however, that Israel is not the only country afflicted with a rift between its people and the leftist, self-loathing population of the ruling media, academic and legal establishments. We in the US have been suffering from this destructive disconnect for nearly two generations. I fear that the elitist cabal will soon transform both her country and mine into places neither of us recognize, and unfortunately into places which neither of us -- or those who share our beliefs and desires -- will have the slightest interest in supporting or defending. The only question then remaining will be where to go, and the only answer I can foresee is "nowhere". G-d save us all. Steven Fishbein, Sacramento, CA, USA: Caroline Glick writes with rare clarity and is an asset the Jerusalem Post should expose beyond its own world of journalism. This would be a great service for those who may not understand, nor care to learn of Israel's rightful place and position. Guran Walker, Brisbane, Australia: Go Caroline! You Rock! I concur completely but have a comment to add. The schism that exists between the Israeli public and those who make establishment policy exists not only in Israel but also throughout the Western World. We see a constant disengagement from reality among media and decision makers globally. There are times when I look at history and see no difference between now and accounts of the 1930s. A total disconnect. Skip Kelley, Sunnyvale: The same thing is going on in the United States and in Europe. The same elitist Nitzke will-to-power whoever-is-in-power-controls-the-standard mentality. The same schism. We need to fight them in a coordinated way everywhere around the world at the same time with red-dye-in-the-water squirt guns. I'll give you an example. These same kinds of people just passed a very bad bill in California that does a whole lot more than just legalize gay marriage. Our "Governator" is threatening to veto it. Suddenly there is a flood of news stories. You have to understand that these professional-liberal people work incredibly hard at concocting these stories. They don't just concoct them, they then set them up. Not only is the news slanted, it is planned months in advance, and is skillfully staged. So, now, today, suddenly, a kid who lied to get into a private school, who was a huge disciplinary problem; finally on his own, flunks out. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that his parents have not paid his tuition. The school, after having given them several chances, kicks him out. This is not an international story, right? But what happens next? Suddenly, newspaper headlines all around the world scream: "Kid expelled from Christian School because his parents are homosexuals." I'll bet you've heard about it. Which is my point. This is part of an effort to build up worldwide political pressure to intimidate the governor of California to not veto that bill. Carolyn, the schism you have so skillfully exposed is a worldwide problem and we have to fight it together everywhere. You can't say it but I can. They are nasty, anti-social, vile, ugly, violent people. And that's why they hate us so much. They are jealous. Franklyn Upper, Santa Cruz, CA, USA: Caroline, you are right on the money as usual. You are so perceptive and so eloquent. Here in the US we have a very large leftist establishment of liberals. Most of ours also claim to be Jewish, and also, they are not. That must be something left over from the Cold War? Elliott Vizel, Statesville, NC, USA: I read Caroline Glick's editorial, which, it seems, must be read in conjunction with her earlier editorial "Gaza's Long Shadow," detailing the charges of war crimes leveled at Israeli military officers by anti-Zionist British-Israeli lawyer Daniel Machover, and backed by Yesh Gvul and the left-wing. I find this very interesting, in light of an inter-faith discussion we had this week in our community. Local Temple members met with our Presbyterian neighbors to discuss the Presbyterian Church USA anti-settlement divestment resolution. Virtually all the PCUSA lay members were up in arms over this one-sided resolution. I even read internet mail by PCUSA members decrying the Leftist anti-Semitic nature of the resolution, describing the shocking spread of anti-Semitism to the left, including the Christian left. It now seems it has likewise spread to the Jewish left. Who needs enemies, when you have friends such as these? Islamofascists whose most fervent desire is the genocidal destruction of Israel must be handing out candies in celebration of these events! I wouldn't be surprised if they are financed by the same people who are paying Machover and his supporters... Chaya Gross, Jerusalem, Israel: It is clearer than ever in this post Gush Katif era that Israel can no longer belong only to the Israelis. The fact is that the Land of Israel belongs to every Jew regardless of whether their main residence is here or not. If that were the goal and that were the reality then the entire Jewish world would be richer for it. The days of sending a donation to UJA, if that, are over. Yes we need money but more so we need educated Jews who can be proud and clear about what the truth is when it comes to Israel and her neighbors. The schism you speak of to my mind boils down to Israelis trying to be a nation like any other and the Jews that understand that this Land is an eternal heritage for all the Jews, wherever they may reside. Normalization will come when "chiloni" and "dati" an deleted from our lexicon and replaced with Jewish. May it be very soon.
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