By LETTERS TO THE EDITORUnrequited considerationRegarding “African nations that voted against Israel at UN arrive for food production seminar” (December 10), I consider it the height of chutzpah that African countries seek our knowledge, advice and assistance in their food production improvements but vote against us on a regular basis at the UN.This negative approach is typified by countries such as Nigeria, who are also confronted by terrorist organizations, but as far as Hamas is concerned, they appear to be siding with their Muslim brothers right or wrong when Israel comes into the equation.We must no longer be taken as a sucker. Our expertise should given to those that truly extend the hand of friendship. We should follow the axiom, “If people don’t care about you, you shouldn’t help them. They don’t deserve your help.”STEPHEN VISHNICK Tel AvivProgressives idolize reactionariesThe article “Al-Arabiya article slams Linda Sarsour as Muslim Brotherhood ally” (December 10) convincingly places Saudi Arabia and the conservative Arab regimes on the side of the West in opposition to Islamic extremism, which is why US President Donald Trump should set aside his peace plan.Right now, any focus on the Palestinian issue will only serve the interests of those who want to undermine the Sunni regimes as they draw closer to Israel for protection from Iran and other radicals. That’s because the Palestinian issue has become a lightning rod for those who hate the West and Israel, rather than a sincere humanitarian effort. Ever since the 1960s, when the Soviet KGB successfully created the illusion of an underdog “Palestinian people” fighting a Zionist Goliath, Western progressives have been suckered into sympathizing with reactionary jihadists. Paradoxically, the very success of this propaganda, as shown by Linda Sarsour’s celebrity among mainstream American liberals, has alarmed realistic Arab regimes.The path to peace can be glimpsed by positive attitude changes becoming ever more evident, but this is an evolutionary process that cannot be rushed by pandering to radicals.
DAVID KATCOFFCharleston, South CarolinaMore Roger Waters liesRegarding “Pink Floyd cover band cancels Israel show after BDS pressure” (December 10), former Pink Floyd lead singer Roger Waters first lies about Israelis, absurdly claiming that they “are executing their neighbor’s (sic) children, shooting them down in cold blood every day.”Then, as documented by websites such as Israellycool, Waters compounds his mendacity, falsely quoting the tribute band as saying they support BDS and canceled the concert because “The situation in Israel and Palestine is intolerable.”To set the record straight, the band quickly responded that Waters was spreading untruths about them. They reiterated that they do not support BDS; they canceled due to the wave of “abuse and threats” they received from people due to Waters’s instigation.Waters’s track record for truth is dismal. Unfortunately, he is influential and his hate-driven lies have proven to be effective and harmful.BARBARA COHENHaifaNot newsworthy in the UKRegarding “Seven injured in terror attack near Ofra (December 10), having made aliyah from the UK, I often scan the British press to see the reaction to incidents in Israel.Following this treacherous attack by a Palestinian in which a pregnant woman is fighting for her life, having had a Cesarean delivery of her premature baby, one might have thought this tragic event would merit coverage, if nothing else a mention.I found plenty of reporting of one of the Spice Girls injuring her hand and the tear-jerking death of a kangaroo, but of this horrendous event, I found nothing.In many international quarters, these violent attacks on our civilian citizens are regarded as regular events, part of living in this part of the world.These attacks can never be acceptable. We look to our government to show in both word and deed that the perpetrators and their leaders (yes at the very top) who instigate these treacherous incidents must pay a high price.One can only imagine the reaction of the British (and world) media if it had been a Jew shooting indiscriminately at Arabs at a bus stop.STEPHEN VISHNICK Tel AvivJudea and Samaria powder kegRegarding “A powder keg just waiting to explode in the West Bank’’ (December 11), incitement in Palestinian media against Israel, including by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, has not helped calm the situation in Judea and Samaria/ the West Bank. It is not intended to calm the situation. The incitement is a manipulation used to deflect anger away from the corruption of Abbas and the PA.Palestinians have little hope because their “leaders” have no interest in their wellbeing. The decades of international funding intended for use to build up Palestinian civic society and the economy has been misappropriated to support terrorism or stolen by corrupt leaders. That is one reason why Palestinians are easy to radicalize. Another is their hate-saturated educational system.Bear in mind that in 1948 Israel was an impoverished country, but the nations of the world did not supply Israel with decades of funding. Despite this, her leaders focused on building civic society and the economy with the limited resources at their disposal, and Israeli citizens worked hard to create, not to destroy.Palestinians have no one to blame but themselves for their situation, which is the result of a national culture centered on “Hate über alles.”JULIA LUTCHDavis, CAI see a glaring omission in the article. It mentions the words “West Bank’’ 17 times (yes, I counted). I am shocked that you were unable to squeeze in at least three more references in order to fully pound your readers over the head using a fictitious name invented by our enemies. Certainly, your copy editors could have done a better job.One question though: As a resident of Ma’aleh Adumim, I live in the said area. As we are at least 15 kilometers from the Jordan River, on the west bank of what body of water exactly do I live?ZE’EV M SHANDALOVMa’aleh AdumimJewish roots, BDS leaningsRegarding “Ocasio-Cortez defends claim she has Sephardi heritage” (December 11), US Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s mention of supposedly having distant Sephardic ancestors counts for nothing because she is an enthusiastic supporter of the genocidal BDS movement.BDS cofounder Omar Barghouti has said that the sole purpose of BDS is the euthanasia of Israel. He knows well that the Nazi T4 Euthanasiav Program was the foundation of the Final Solution of the Jews as enacted in the Wannsee Protocol in January 1942. By embracing BDS, Ocasio-Cortez has joined Barghouti’s goal to continue the eliminationist mission the Nazis started.If she has Sephardic ancestors, I am sure they are really proud of her being part of Barghouti’s genocidal BDS movement.RICHARD SHERMANMargate, FloridaAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Left in Congress, said at a Hanukkah candle lighting that she is descended from Sephardic Jews who went to Puerto Rico to escape the Spanish Inquisition. Given her anti-Israel statements, “descended” is a good choice of words.Her pronouncement sounds a lot like “some of my best friends are Jewish” except it’s worse. You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family.She has yet to prove her mettle, but so far the prognosis is bad. I’ve watched a couple of interviews she’s given and her responses have been alarming. For example, she offers firm opinions about things she later admits she knows nothing about. She believes steadfastly in a socialist economy – this, while living in the most successful capitalist country in the world. And then there’s that comparison of the Central American migrant caravan with Jews fleeing the Holocaust.Apparently Boston College gives away degrees in International Relations a little too easily these days.DESMOND TUCKSan Mateo, CABibi is here to stayIn “Save the Promised Land from Bibiland” (December 5), Gil Troy argues that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should resign for doing what every other Israeli does: bending the law a little to his own benefit.But that is a counsel of perfection and would rob Israel of the only viable leader that it has, both for now and for the foreseeable future.The only way the PM should leave is if an overwhelming percentage of the population were to demand his resignation, but for that to happen, the general public needs to be convinced of his guilt – and with the low level of trust in the police and the legal system, I doubt that will happen, as I think many believe the cases are more witch hunts than serious criminal investigations.But there is also a low level of trust in politicians, which would seem to be a negative for Netanyahu. Here I think many Israelis see him more as a diplomat than a politician. Moreover, the Israeli public holds the IDF in high regard, and Netanyahu more than fulfilled his obligations in the IDF and is therefore “one of us.”Warts and all, he is not leaving any time soon no matter how much mud is thrown.BOB KNIGHTModi’inThe digitally disadvantagedThank you, Susan Rolef for your article (“Senior citizens and digital banking,” December 10). In addition to those of us over 70 and 80 trying to manage in a digital world, many of us are also non-Hebrew speakers, having come from English- or French-speaking countries. This makes navigating the digital world even more difficult and frustrating.Using the telephone for help is especially impossible, even when we are directed to “for English press…” and it is always Hebrew on the line. Not having a smart phone makes it difficult when Maccabi Health wants to send you something by SMS, and even if you try to manage your bank account statements on line, often the password you’ve chosen is rejected after only a week.Yes, Israelis are very much pioneers of the digital age, but those of us born long before the digital age are hopelessly handicapped.JANICE GAINESNetanyaMagnificent volunteersYesterday I was with a friend who was driving an unfamiliar car. She had her 10-month-old granddaughter asleep in the back. After taking the pram out of the boot, she closed it with the keys still inside. Unfortunately, it locked all the doors and we couldn’t open it. It was in the parking lot of Cinema City.In a panic, we called three different organizations for help. In less than 10 minutes, 17 volunteers arrived – an ambulance, cars and motor bikes – and a few minutes later the car was open without breaking any windows.The baby was fine. We were too flustered to be able to do more than offer money, which they all declined. They just wanted a photo with the baby.How wonderful to live in Israel, where everyone does take care of each other. We were overcome with gratitude to those magnificent volunteers.DVORA WAYSMANJerusalem