It's a shame your writer sees the media reporting of abuse as an obsession because it could make a difference in the lives of children.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFAbuse survivor speaks out
Sir, - I read the letter "Suspect abuse? Tell the authorities" (April 1) with great emotion, and Ruth Eglash's "Rise in child abuse, or a media creating 'moral panic'?" (April 3) with an equal amount of dismay.
My name is Maya, and I do not want my name withheld. I have children of my own and am a successful career woman. I am also an abuse survivor. We were "taught" to keep quiet, to keep things a secret. But today, after many years of keeping my silence, I want to say something to mothers, to their neighbors, and also to Ms. Eglash.
To the mothers: If you suspect the slightest thing, do not keep silent even if the abuser is your husband, father, brother or son because there is a child who will be left hurting for the rest of her or his life.
To the neighbors: If you hear shouting, screaming, slamming of doors or any other noise that seems unnatural to you, report what you suspect because the mother or children are too scared to make their voices heard.
To Ruth Eglash: It is not an issue of whether child abuse is on the rise or not. The issue is the child abuse itself, and in your article you belittled this threat to our society, accusing the media of making a mountain out of a molehill. I say the media should continue reporting every incident to make people aware of this cancer amongst us.
The emotional hole that exists inside me will never fill, despite all the love I receive and give and all the therapy I went and am going through, because when I was four, my closest relatives took away my right to a home. I am trying to build my own inner home now so my children can feel safe and build safer homes for the future generations.
Those who steer away from "moral panic" are simply wrong. We need someone to hear our voices so we can be protected from those who should have been there for us, but were there only forthemselves.
It's a shame your writer sees the media reporting of abuse as an obsession because it could make a difference in the lives of children. People need to be more aware of what is happening, and more willing to report it to the authorities.
Clean up your act...
Sir, - Re "Disabled tourists to find 'unfriendly' hotels" (April 10): My husband, an amputee, and I stayed in one of Jerusalem's 5-star hotels and complained about the lack of a grab-bar in the bathtub. When we went to the new mall near David's Citadel, the entrance for the handicapped was an unsteady plank. The elevator entrance was not clearly indicated. The bathroom was down 24 steps. There was not one bench to sit on unless you went to a restaurant.
Is this how Jerusalem wants to welcome its visitors?
N. Bellmore, New York/Jerusalem
...get professional
Sir, - I've been reading a lot lately about plans for improving air raid sirens and reissuing gas masks. There are some important measures that I haven't seen mentioned.
If I wasn't in my building when I heard a siren, I wouldn't know where to find the nearest shelter. People need information about shelters located in public areas. Perhaps maps or lists could be published in newspapers or neighborhood mailings.
I also found the latest attempt at collecting gas masks very disorganized.
A few months ago we made several unsuccessful attempts to find mobile units to which we could return our gas masks. Perhaps stationary drop-off points with regular, posted hours would be more practical. At least that way we could expect to find the building in place when we got there ("Missile alert systems to get upgrade. Distributing gas masks could take five years, general says," April 10).
Sadly, more of the same
Sir, - At the beginning of my first summer in Israel, eight years ago, I looked forward to a peace agreement between us and the Palestinians. Shortly afterwards I read a Post report on summer camps training Palestinian children for war ("How they spent their summer vacation," Lamia Lahoud, September 1, 200). It turned out to be a portent of what was to come. And things haven't really changed.
The war that followed that report continues today, with the Palestinian mind-set unaltered, even among the so-called moderates ("Israel upset over report PA plans to honor terrorists," April 17).
Israel: Here to stay
Sir, - For certain, the Internet can be either one of Israel's strongest allies or one of her greatest foes. The images portrayed attract the attention of huge numbers of people worldwide. Those of us who love Israel and care deeply about her future must never be silent in the face of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. It is our duty as moral Defenders of Zion to tell the truth about Israel so the entire world will know: The Jewish State of Israel is here to stay as the home and refuge of the Jewish people ("The perils of Internet apathy," Avigail Sugarman, April 15).
Skokie, Illinois
Misplaced joy
Sir, - Why are we so happy about technical industries "reaping both government subsidies and the benefit of a lower than average pay scale" for haredi women? What happened to equal pay for equal work? ("BOI: More haredim go back to work," April 7.)
Ramat Bet Shemesh
Sir, - Thank you so much for the beautiful "Israel - Home of Hope" CDs that came Thursday morning with our subscription. What a lovely thing to do. Our deep appreciation to the Post and to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.
Petah Tikva