The 'Post' did a good job in its coverage and analysis of the latest terrorist attack but there is another area which needs media spotlight: gross negligence by authorities.
Sir, - The Jerusalem Post did a good job in its coverage and analysis of the latest terrorist attack ("Jerusalem Arab kills three in bulldozer rampage," July 3). But there is another area which needs media spotlight: gross negligence by authorities.
The earlier tragedy at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva might have been avoided had there been security doors and well-trained guards. The terrorist who perpetrated Wednesday's attack had a criminal record but was given access to dangerous machinery.
NU/NRP chairman Zevulun Orlev said: "It is forbidden to act with tolerance when murder is involved, and I plan to change the law so that every worker who comes into contact with the public and whose salary is paid by public funds will be required to undergo a security check, just like state employees" ("Minutes after terror attack, Knesset members push through tough bills against terrorists' families," July 3). Better late than never.
Alone? Hardly
Sir, - It has been reported that Husam Taysir Dwayat acted alone. That is simplistic and ultimately false. Both Fatah's and Hamas's media and educational material glorify the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews. Dwayat grew up in that environment and the PA bears responsibility for his indoctrination. The PA claim it wants peace, but has taken no steps to change these practices.
If there is to be a two-state solution, and I remain to be convinced that this will work, borders will have to be drawn. In that context, Israel should make it clear that where a murderer comes from a village adjoining Israel that celebrates his activities, Israel reserves the right to exclude that village. Let it be part of Palestine.
Such people forfeit the rights and privileges of Israeli citizenship.
Sir, - It's lucky that someone shot dead the Palestinian driver of the bulldozer used as a lethal weapon in Jerusalem on Wednesday to kill and maim Israeli civilians, otherwise he might one day have been exchanged for kidnapped Israelis.
BBC's few words
Sir, - Wednesday evening, the BBC's overseas news had one very brief sentence about the terror in Jerusalem. Next day, July 3, there was not one word about the attack in the network's early morning news broadcast. How contrary to any offense committed by Israel, which usually hits the headlines and is repeated continuously in following broadcasts!
Sloppy news coverage of the region, or the usual BBC bias?
Kiryat Tivon
Praying for you
Sir, - Just a word from the hearts of those of us in Texas who love the true citizens of Israel, and the God of Israel. We pray for the families who lost loved ones in the vile attack in Jerusalem.
Granbury, Texas