Engaging anti-Israel activists online: Can AI help Israelis do better hasbara?

The Inside Israeli Innovation Podcast with Eve Young: Season 2, Episode 26.

 Amitai Carney (photo credit: Courtesy)
Amitai Carney
(photo credit: Courtesy)

This week, host Eve Young, economics correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, interviews Amitai Carney, co-founder of an AI project that helps Israelis and pro-Israel activists do better hasbara (public diplomacy) on social media.

The tool uses AI to help Israelis overcome language barriers and cultural gaps by optimizing their comments or posts. It customizes suggestions based on the audience, the social media platform, and the region. 

You can check out the tool here: https://app.shiuf.com

Amitai also discusses the importance of continued dialogue and engagement; and what he thinks about whether social media can be a platform for real dialogue. 

He describes a new workshop his team created for highschool students that helps them do better hasbara and supplements the online tool. 

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Your go-to podcast for all things to do with innovation in Israel. Join Eve Young as she delves into the heart of Israel's tech and business scenes and uncovers the groundbreaking ideas and visionary minds working to shape the future. Join her each week as she shines a spotlight on the latest trends and entrepreneurial spirit propelling Israel to the forefront of global innovation.

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