Stay updated on studies uncovering the intricacies of wildlife and the natural world. Discover groundbreaking research, conservation efforts, and emerging technologies and foster a deeper understanding of ... Read More
The study concluded that "spiders from Israel were more likely to carry Rhabdochlamydia than those from the US and South Africa."
Unlike the lungs of mammals, bird lungs do more than just breathe. An air-filled sac within the birds’ lungs is thought to increase the force the birds use to power flight muscles while soaring.
Pioneering Kidney Cancer Study Seeks to Improve Treatment Outcomes through Precision Medicine
Spear squid males are either consorts, who compete with males for females, or sneakers, who discreetly fertilize eggs. Which tactic a squid will use is determined by their birth date, a study says.
Tel Aviv University archaeologists claim that elephant hunting by early humans was the reason for the proximity between Paleolithic extensive stone quarries and water sources
While most non-verbal gestures have mostly been studied in humans and primates, Japanese researchers found that a small bird species uses wing movements to convey messages.
New theory bridges Mars and Earth: BGU-Aarhus study reveals groundbreaking theory on sand ripples shared by Mars and Earth.
Vast swathes of jellyfish, which typically flock to the Israeli coasts during summer, have been seen in great numbers this winter, signaling an abundant summer.
Pandas are big users of social media, according to a recent scientific study. Scent-marking trees serve as a panda version of Facebook.
Jellyfish have been thought only to be a summer phenomenon, however, a surprising appearance of jellyfish in December has raised new questions.