Reviewing the Best Automatic Espresso Machines of 2024

Get your perfect cup of coffee every time with an automatic espresso machine! Find out which one is right for you with our comparison guide.

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

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CASABREWS Automatic Expresso Machine
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Philips 4300 Automatic Expresso Machine
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DeLonghi Magnifica Automatic Expresso Machine
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Tchibo Automatic Espresso Machine
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Mr. Coffee Automatic Expresso Machine

A good cup of coffee can be the difference between a good morning and a grouchy one. Luckily, thanks to one modern innovation, you don't need to be a barista or leave the comfort of your home for freshly brewed goodness. Automatic espresso machines allow you to create the perfect cup of coffee at the push of a button. We've reviewed a bunch of these appliances to help you find the best one. So, let's dive in and explore the best automatic espresso machines for different tastes, budgets, and lifestyles. Sit back, relax, and let us do the brewing.


CASABREWS Automatic Expresso Machine

CASABREWS Automatic Expresso Machine
CASABREWS Automatic Expresso Machine

As we reviewed various automatic expresso machines on the market, this one clearly stood out as the winner. The machine comes with a built-in grinder that allows you to freshly grind your coffee beans for a truly authentic and flavorful cup of espresso. No need to purchase a separate grinder or settle for pre-ground coffee anymore. The machine is equipped with a milk frother steam wand that's perfect for creating professional-quality cappuccinos and lattes. Plus, the LCD display adds a modern touch and makes it easy to navigate through the various settings and options.

Rated 9.8 based on 10
Pros & Cons
Built-in grinder
Milk frother steam wand
LCD display
Has a bit of a learning curve


Philips 4300 Automatic Expresso Machine

Philips 4300 Automatic Expresso Machine
Philips 4300 Automatic Expresso Machine

Our next automatic expresso machine comes from a brand that has managed to establish itself as a pioneer of kitchen appliances. The Phillips 4300 allows users to indulge in 8 delicious coffee varieties with the touch of a button, thanks to its intuitive touch display. It also features a patented LatteGo milk frother that delivers perfectly frothed milk in seconds without any mess or hassle. Plus, the machine's aroma extract system skillfully finds the ideal balance between aroma extraction and brewing temperature.

Rated 9.6 based on 10
Pros & Cons
8 coffee varieties
Intuitive touch display
LatteGo milk frother
Noisy when grinding


DeLonghi Magnifica Automatic Expresso Machine

DeLonghi Magnifica Automatic Expresso Machine
DeLonghi Magnifica Automatic Expresso Machine

Next up on our list, this automatic expresso machine offers high-quality features that are geared towards ease of use. For example, it has a soft-touch control panel that makes it really easy to operate. The machine also uses 1450 watts of power to ensure quick and efficient brewing. Its adjustable coffee spout allows you to accommodate different cup sizes, ideal for brewing both single servings and entertaining guests. Lastly, the built-in milk frother allows users to create delicious specialty drinks like lattes and cappuccinos in no time.

Rated 9.5 based on 10
Pros & Cons
Soft-touch control panel
Adjustable coffee spout
13 grinder settings
No general power switch


Tchibo Automatic Espresso Machine

Tchibo Automatic Espresso Machine
Tchibo Automatic Espresso Machine

Simple and sweet, this automatic expresso machine prides itself on being able to brew coffee from whole beans without any pods or waste. The machine has a revolutionary single-serve, bean-to-brew system that brings you the freshest and most flavorful cup of coffee possible. It also features a user-friendly interface and a built-in grinder that delivers a consistent grind size, ensuring optimal extraction and flavor. Also worth knowing is that this machine has adjustable settings for coffee strength and volume, allowing you to customize your brew according to your preferences.

Rated 9.2 based on 10
Pros & Cons
Fully automatic
No waste brewer's bundle
Small water reservoir


Mr. Coffee Automatic Expresso Machine

Mr. Coffee Automatic Expresso Machine
Mr. Coffee Automatic Expresso Machine

If you're on a budget but want an automatic expresso machine that does its job well, then this is the one to get. This machine combines the functionalities of a semi-automatic espresso, cappuccino, and latte maker. It has a 15-bar pump system that can create delicious espresso and cappuccino drinks with ease. The automatic milk frother takes the guesswork out of frothing milk and ensures that you get the perfect creamy texture every time. Plus, its stainless steel construction is not only durable but also pretty easy to clean.

Rated 9 based on 10
Pros & Cons
Super affordable
Programmable with automatic milk frother
15-bar pump for professional results
Space for cups is too short


Breville Barista Automatic Expresso Machine

Breville Barista Automatic Expresso Machine
Breville Barista Automatic Expresso Machine

Although this machine is on the higher end of the price range, it has a bunch of features that might make it worth it. For starters, its intuitive touch screen display allows you to easily navigate through the various coffee options and customize your brew to perfection. Its built-in conical burr grinder ensures that you always have fresh grounds. The machine also features an adjustable grind size and dose control option that gives you complete control over the strength and flavor of your coffee. We were also quite impressed by the automatic milk texturing feature, which can actually create velvety smooth microfoam for latte art with just a touch of a button. Lastly, the fast heat-up time and precise temperature control ensure that your coffee is brewed at the optimal temperature every time.

Rated 8.9 based on 10
Pros & Cons
Touch display
30 grind settings
9 bar extraction
Pricier than competitors


Gaggia Brera Automatic Expresso Machine

Gaggia Brera Automatic Expresso Machine
Gaggia Brera Automatic Expresso Machine

Despite being a mid-range model, this automatic expresso machine contains a feature set that is often only seen in higher-end options. The machine features rapid steam technology, which allows for quick and easy milk frothing and steaming. It has a built-in ceramic burr grinder that ensures a consistent grind size for optimal flavor extraction. Additionally, the machine offers customizable drink options, allowing you to adjust the strength and volume of your espresso to suit your preferences. And with a large water reservoir, you'll be able to brew multiple cups without the need for refills.

Rated 8.7 based on 10
Pros & Cons
Rapid steam technology
Customizable drink options
Large water reservoir
Requires a lot of routine cleaning


Q: Can I use an automatic espresso machine to make drinks other than espresso?

A: Yes, you can use an automatic espresso machine to make drinks other than just espresso. Many of these machines come with features that allow you to make a variety of coffee drinks. For example, you can make Americanos by adding hot water to espresso, or lattes and cappuccinos by frothing milk and adding it to your espresso. Some machines even have pre-programmed settings for these drinks.

Q: How do I descale my automatic espresso machine?

A: Descaling your automatic espresso machine is simple. First, check your machine's manual for specific instructions, but here’s a general guide. Empty the water tank and fill it with a mixture of water and a descaling solution, which you can find at most stores. Place a large container under the coffee spout to catch the liquid. Start the descaling program on your machine, or if your machine doesn’t have one, run a few brew cycles without coffee. Once the solution has run through, rinse the water tank and fill it with fresh water. Run several cycles with just water to rinse out any remaining solution. That’s it! Your machine should be good as new.

Q: How large should my automatic espresso machine's water reservoir be?

A: The size of your automatic espresso machine's water reservoir depends on how much coffee you plan to make. If you only brew a few cups a day, a smaller reservoir, around 40-50 ounces, should be enough. For more frequent use, look for a reservoir that holds 60-80 ounces or more. A larger tank means less frequent refilling, which is convenient if you make several cups daily.

Q: What type of automatic espresso machine is best for a busy household?

A: For a busy household, a super-automatic espresso machine is the best choice. These machines do everything for you, from grinding the beans to frothing the milk. With just a push of a button, you can make espresso, cappuccinos, lattes, and more. Look for a machine with a large water reservoir and bean hopper to reduce the need for frequent refills. Models with programmable settings are great because everyone in the household can customize their drinks. Additionally, choose a machine that's easy to clean, as this will save you time and effort.

Q: How does the grind size affect espresso quality in an automatic machine?

A: The grind size has a big impact on the quality of your espresso. If the grind is too coarse, water will flow through it too quickly, resulting in a weak, under-extracted espresso with little flavor. On the other hand, if the grind is too fine, water will flow too slowly, leading to a bitter, over-extracted espresso. For the best espresso, aim for a medium-fine grind. Most automatic machines also allow users to adjust the grind size.

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