Israel’s abortion alternative: Efrat saves Jewish babies

 (photo credit: EFRAT PR)
(photo credit: EFRAT PR)

For over four decades, the EFRAT organization, under the leadership of the devoted Dr. Eli Schussheim z”l, has been saving Jewish babies by giving their mothers the ability to overcome their distress and make the best choice for themselves.? 

In an era when alignment for or against abortion automatically depends on one’s political affiliation, EFRAT has always remained above politics. 

“I am pro-choice!” was Dr. Schussheim’s motto. From his experience dealing with pregnant women in distress, he learned that the vast majority of women seeking abortion felt they had no other recourse. Moreover, the vast majority were pitifully unaware of the ramifications – medical, physical, and emotional. As an MD, his rationale was that a pregnant woman has the right to receive information relating to her physical and emotional health. 

When discussing the risks associated with abortion, Dr. Schussheim put all the facts on the table. “There are physical complications that may result from an abortion, many of which are treatable,” he said. “However, the emotional fallout, in the form of regret, can be life-long and devastating.”

Ruthy Tidhar, EFRAT’s head social worker, shares the organization’s fundamental policy. “We will never try to sway women with arguments based on ideological, moral or religious grounds. Rather, our goal is to empower them through information and assistance, so that they can make the best decision for themselves. Women who come to us feel trapped into having an abortion. We show them that other options exist.”

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Photo credit : Efrat PREnlrage image
Photo credit : Efrat PR

Statistics show that the majority of abortions in Israel are performed due to financial problems, and this is the source of Dr. Schussheim’s rallying cry: “You don’t end a life because of money!” Depending on the individual situation, EFRAT will provide whatever is needed to help overcome the economic difficulty and thus prevent the unnecessary termination of pregnancy: guidance on how to tap into various government and municipal programs, emotional support, as well as practical assistance. The latter amounts to a complete package to cover all of baby’s needs: a bed, stroller, bathtub, infant seat, layette, etc. as well as a monthly delivery that includes formula, diapers and other supplies for the child’s first two years. In extreme cases, EFRAT even sends a food basket for the rest of the family. 

“Women considering abortion are in a delicate, stressful and often complex situation,” explains Tidhar. “They may want to keep their baby, but feel alone, worried and desperate. In addition to the economic assistance, EFRAT is dedicated to providing emotional support, to ensure that no woman feels alone in her struggle, and to enable her to achieve emotional well-being and resilience.”

To this end, EFRAT has a team of some 3,000 trained volunteers, many of whom have themselves considered abortion but ended up keeping their baby with the help of EFRAT. These volunteers are enthusiastic about helping other women, and continue to be an active presence in the women’s lives for as long as necessary.

Miri K. has been an EFRAT volunteer for over 25 years. “I started at a time when supporting women to continue their pregnancy was not a priority. Many women were making the tortuous decision to terminate their pregnancies alone. Some of the babies who were born to the women I supported when I first started volunteering are now in the army or even have families of their own. It’s mind-boggling!”

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( Photo credit : Efrat PR ) Dr. Eli Schussheim Enlrage image
( Photo credit : Efrat PR ) Dr. Eli Schussheim

Miri explains that no two cases are alike. “There are so many issues at stake; the couple’s relationship, finances, family dynamics, health… It’s not just about giving them a stroller. Not at all! Supporting women means helping them rediscover their spirit and empowering them to find space to think. It means helping them with housing, doctors, lawyers, assisting them in accessing benefits, and making them aware of their rights.”

Miri’s relationship with the women she supports through EFRAT often extends far beyond birth. She is invited to celebrations and birthday parties. She’s helped women locate a temporary place to live, and has often advocated for community support for a family.

Miri respects each woman’s privacy and is careful not to pressure anyone. She allows each woman to decide how much contact she wants and whether or not to introduce her to their family or friends. “My goal is to help a woman understand that she has options. They know they can call me and that I will be there for them—on their terms,” she said.  

EFRAT makes information accessible using radio, television and billboards in central locations and on local buses. Publications are distributed in high schools, military bases, universities and to the general public. It has an active presence on social media, with Hebrew and English Facebook pages, including pictures and testimonials. An emergency hotline is available around the clock for women in need, operated by skilled administrators who link them to other EFRAT teams as well as to other agencies and services as appropriate.

Until his sudden passing on June 9, Dr. Schussheim would deliver lectures across Israel - in high schools, military bases and universities - and all over the world in various high-profile forums. He was a man with a mission, and he did all in his power to promote it. 

To date, EFRAT has been actively involved in the rescue of some 80,000 babies, although according to Chagai Goldschmidt, son-in-law of Dr. Schussheim and director at EFRAT, that number is far greater. “From the hundreds of lectures Dr. Schussheim delivered and all the literature he’s distributed, his influence was far-reaching, beyond what we can imagine,” he said. “Not a day goes by without a woman calling EFRAT informing us that since hearing my father-in-law speak (for some it was many years before), they had made a firm decision never to perform an abortion,” he said.

EFRAT is actively continuing Dr. Schussheim’s legacy of rescuing Israel’s babies, with a current campaign aimed at saving 500 babies. Continue the important work of Dr. Eli Schussheim and help us save Jewish lives! Partner with the organization that has proven itself and that continues to do so, saving Jewish babies – and all their succeeding generations!

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