A night of gratitude and unity: Honoring Binyamin's heroes at a moving tribute event

Government ministers and the Prime Minister's wife, Sara Netanyahu, along with Council Head Yisrael Ganz and the security coordinators of Binyamin, at the tribute event. (photo credit: Avshalom Sassoni and Yosi Zeliger)
Government ministers and the Prime Minister's wife, Sara Netanyahu, along with Council Head Yisrael Ganz and the security coordinators of Binyamin, at the tribute event.
(photo credit: Avshalom Sassoni and Yosi Zeliger)

In a deeply moving and uplifting evening, the Binyamin Regional Council hosted a tribute event to honor the bravery and dedication of the security coordinators who have protected their towns during times of great danger. This event was a celebration of courage, resilience, and the unbreakable bond between the people of Israel and their protectors.

The event, attended by Israel’s President Isaac Herzog, Knesset Speaker MK Amir Ohana, the prime minister’s wife, Sarah Netanyahu, and numerous cabinet ministers and Knesset members, was a testament to the importance of these security chiefs. These unsung heroes have quietly and steadfastly safeguarded their communities, especially during the recent 'Swords of Iron' War.

 President Herzog and Council Head Ganz in appreciation of the security coordinators. (credit: Avshalom Sassoni and Yosi Zeliger)
President Herzog and Council Head Ganz in appreciation of the security coordinators. (credit: Avshalom Sassoni and Yosi Zeliger)

President Herzog’s words resonated deeply with all who attended. “Security chiefs – you are the defensive wall of our nation on this day and in this generation,” he said. “You do your job every day and every hour, ensuring that our communities are safe. The Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria have existed since the dawn of Zionism, and they remain essential to the Jewish People and Israel’s security.” His heartfelt gratitude set the tone for an evening filled with both solemnity and celebration.

One of the night’s most poignant moments was the recognition of Eliyah Ben Shimul, the security chief of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom, who bravely defended his community during the Simchat Torah attack on October 7th. As he received an appreciation award from Yisrael Ganz, the room was filled with a profound sense of respect and admiration. Eliyah’s story is just one of many that highlight the extraordinary courage displayed by the security chiefs.

Governor Yisrael Ganz spoke passionately about the critical role these security coordinators play, not just in times of crisis, but every day. “On the morning of Simchat Torah, we knew there were people we could rely on,” Ganz shared. “Thanks to them, 82,000 Binyamin residents can continue their daily routines, and the many recruits can go and fill the reserve units, knowing that their families and communities are being protected.”

Singer Idan Raichel speaks with the Weiss family from Psagot, whose father was a reservist soldier killed in Gaza. Next to them is Council Head Yisrael Ganz, a neighbor of the family.
Credit - Binyamin Regional Council 

The evening was also filled with a strong sense of community and shared history. Knesset Speaker MK Amir Ohana’s remarks about the beauty and significance of the Binyamin region evoked a sense of pride and connection to the land. “Here our forefathers lived, and here, with God's help and your help, our children's children will also live,” he said.

The tribute event was followed by a special end-of-summer concert featuring top Israeli singer Idan Raichel. Two moments during the concert encapsulated the evening’s emotional depth. Before the concert began, Raichel met with the family of Alon Weiss, a beloved member of the Psagot community who had recently fallen in Gaza. In a touching gesture, Raichel dedicated the song "Im Telech" (If You Go) to them. Additionally, an empty chair bathed in a yellow spotlight served as a powerful reminder of the 107 Israeli hostages still held captive by Hamas, a symbol of the ongoing struggles and the hope for their safe return.

Eliana Passentin, the International Desk Director for the Binyamin Regional Council, expressed her pride in the event and the people it honored. "As a woman and a friend of these brave women, I'm so proud of them for their bravery,” she said. “They were very moved that the Prime Minister's wife, Sarah Netanyahu, came to acknowledge them. I feel grateful to be one of the organizers of this event."

Governor Yisrael Ganz, who has led the Binyamin Regional Council since 2018 and was recently re-elected for a second term, also serves as the head of the Yesha Council, which represents over 500,000 Israelis in Judea and Samaria. The Binyamin Regional Council, the largest regional council in Israel, oversees a significant portion of this area. Ganz has built strong connections within the Israeli government, counting many ministers as close friends.

This event was not just a tribute; it was a celebration of the spirit that defines the Binyamin region—a spirit of unity, resilience, and unwavering dedication to the safety and well-being of Israel’s communities.

This article was written in cooperation with Binyamin Regional Council