Amazing forehead reduction and combine surgery result by Dr Cengizhan Ekizceli

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

Ebony Mae Taylor, a 26-year-old patient from Australia, traveled to Türkiye (Turkey) for a combined facial procedure involving 11 different cosmetic treatments. The mastermind behind this shocking transformation is called Turkish plastic surgeon Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli.

Ebony, who works as a direct support professional, initially came to Türkiye only for Forehead Reduction Surgery. However, upon her doctor's recommendation, a meticulous operation plan was created, and she decided to undergo all the other procedures as well.

The operation, completed in a single session by Dr. Ekizceli at the beginning of May this year, also included quite popular treatments such as facial fat injection and fox eye surgery. Read on to discover the behind-the-scenes details of all these treatments!

Please check her forehead reduction surgery result on youtube:

1. Forehead Reduction 

Looking at Ebony's pre-operation photos, it is clear that one of the most significant actors in her transformation was the forehead reduction surgery. Also known as hairline lowering and branded as "C Reduction" by Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli, this procedure is also the surgeon's most requested service!

During the operation, 2-3 cm of skin is removed from below the hairline, and then the scalp is pulled forward to meet the desired hairline. Patients are discharged after just one day, with final results visible within six months.

Factors that set Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli apart in this field include:

A zigzag incision pattern that conceals the surgical scar within the natural hairline

A special 45-degree incision angle to prevent damage to hair follicles

An advanced and more protective suturing technique using five different types of thread

2. Forehead Shaving

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(credit: PR)

Also known as forehead bone reduction, this operation achieves a flatter and more elegant forehead for patients like Ebony who have prominent forehead bones. Excess bone protrusion is rasped to create a smoother and more proportionate forehead.

This procedure is typically performed through a small incision behind the hairline, healing without visible scarring. Recovery usually takes one to two weeks, after which patients can return to their daily activities!

3. Temporal Lift

This surgical procedure aims to reduce signs of aging and accentuate facial features. In this operation, excess skin and tissues in the temple area are tightened to provide a more youthful appearance. Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli typically performs the procedure using incisions behind the hairline, allowing the skin to be tightened without visible scarring.

Ebony's recovery process took about two weeks. Expected mild swelling and bruising subsided during this time, and she was able to return to her routine within a week.

4. Fox Eye Surgery

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)

Fox eye surgery is performed by making a small incision at the outer upper corner of the eyelid, between the upper and lower eyelids. The surgeon enters through the incision and uses medical threads to gently lift the corner of the eye. The lifted tissue is anchored to the periosteum forming the eye socket, giving the eyes a more attractive appearance.

Even though most post-operative oedema is accumulated around the relevant facial area, similarly to other procedures, Ebony's healing is completed within one to two weeks.

5. Brow Lift 

This surgical operation is performed to correct the ‘low brow’ appearance and achieve a more dynamic facial expression. The surgeon lifts the brow from its outer end using minimal incisions and positions it to the temporal fascia using medical sutures. The temporal fascia is a strong connective tissue covering the muscles and tissues in the temple area; anchoring the brow to this tissue can provide longer-lasting results. Its biggest difference from recent similar treatments such as brow lifting with Botox is that it is permanent.

Similarly to temporal lift and fox eye procedures in terms of technique and surgical site, Ebony achieved complete recovery within one to two weeks. In the following months, the remaining oedema gave way to the final result.

6. Ear Correction Surgery

This cosmetic procedure, medically referred to as "otoplasty," involves correcting the ear cartilage, and ultimately the overall ear, through incisions made behind the ear for patients with protruding ears.

However, it would be incorrect to say that otoplasty is only a treatment method for protruding ears; it can also repair deformities caused by trauma and change elements such as the size and position of the ear if desired.

The fact that it is a type of surgery that can be easily applied even to children is an indication of how comfortable and fast the healing process is! For Ebony, the recovery period lasted for approximately a week, during which light bandages are used to protect the ears.

7. Fat Injection to Cheeks

Also known as facial fat graftings, this treatment is particularly popular because it involves minimal surgical intervention and utilizes the patient's own tissue.

Dr. Ekizceli transferred fat from Ebony's waist region, where body fat was excessive, to her face, which could be described as bony. This plumped up her cheeks and her face in general, achieving a more age-appropriate appearance.

Due to the lesser risk of complications and technical details in this procedure, Ebony's recovery was completed in only a week.

In rare cases, it may take up to a month for the oedema to fully subside. 

❗ However, approximately 60% of the fat injected into the area is naturally absorbed by the body within one to two months, while the remaining 40% of the fat tissue shows lifelong permanence, which provides an advantage over procedures such as fillers.

8. Nasal Fat Injection 

Readers curious of the world of cosmetic procedures must have noticed by now that rhinoplasty (nose job) has recently been replaced by its derivatives involving less surgical intervention. However, these procedures are mostly performed using temporary filler materials such as hyaluronic acid.

Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli, on the other hand, decided to apply the procedure using the patient's own fat tissue, adopting a different approach. As a result, Ebony's nasal tip was naturally lifted upwards, giving her a nose that would suit her new face much better!

9. Fat Injection to Chin

Did you know that our face has a golden ratio? While we have mentioned the applications for the upper part of the face so far, it is now time for the chin! A small chin like Ebony's disrupting such ratio is a condition that can be foreseen by a good surgeon.

Ultimately, the doctor also eliminated the double chin appearance that a small chin can bring along through this procedure and achieved a more pronounced chin shape.

10. Fat Injection to Jawline

Here is a cosmetic procedure that is common among men too! Unlike the chin, this procedure targets the jawline extending from one earlobe to the other. This creates sharper and more attractive facial features; and in men, a more masculine appearance is aimed for.

11. Fat Injection to Eyelids

Unfortunately, as our eyelids thin and hollow out, we can look older than we truly are. Ebony's major problem was perhaps most resolved by this procedure. With the small amount of fat injected, her gaze gained a more lively and powerful effect.

Patient Even Wishes for Further Procedures!

In follow-ups after the operation, she indicated that she was open to future treatments. She expressed that her next surgery plan would be a BBL operation, which shapes her body through fat transfer.

The procedure, fully named 'Brazilian Butt Lift', involves injecting fat extracted especially from the abdomen and upper leg only into the hip area, giving an hourglass appearance from head to toe.

In summary, some of us may not prefer to experience such a radical change on our face, but for patients like Ebony, sometimes absolute satisfaction with miraculous results can be achieved in terms of self-confidence. In fact, in her own words, she expressed her opinion about this combined operation:

"I am very pleased with the transformation I have experienced, I feel much happier in my life. I would recommend each procedure I had done to future patients."

Dr. Ekizceli provided a statement towards this special case as well:

"My main priority when doing my job is to adopt a patient-centered approach. The happier my patient's mood leaving the clinic, the more motivation I receive to continue. I have been working non-stop with such a principle for over a decade, and I still plan to do so. I believe that this kind of sustainability can bring out the achievement in question."

This article was written in cooperation with Estherian Clinic Marketing Team, Turkey