Black snake dream interpretation: 8 Scenarios and meanings

  (photo credit: freepik)
(photo credit: freepik)

Dreams can provide amazing insights into our subconscious minds. Some people even believe they can predict the future. So if you’ve dreamed of something as fascinating as a black snake, what might your dream be telling you?

That’s what we’re going to find out! We’re here to walk you through the symbolism of black snakes. We’ll discover the different meanings attributed to their appearance in our dreams. And we’ll help you look at the details of your dream to understand the message behind it.

Ready to learn more? Then let’s get started!

The meaning of black snakes in dreams

Snakes carry rich symbolism in many cultures.

In the Bible, it was a serpent that tempted Eve to eat an apple from the Tree of Knowledge. Eve, in turn, prompted Adam to do the same. Their disobedience led to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

In the Christian tradition, then, snakes are linked to both temptation and deception. The same meaning is reflected in the common expression “snake in the grass”, used to describe an untrustworthy person.

But in other cultures, snakes have more positive associations. The ouroboros – a snake eating its own tail – was a symbol of renewal to the ancient Egyptians. To the ancient Greeks, it signified eternity and wholeness. And in other cultures, it was associated with fertility.

So much for dreaming of snakes. But like animals, colors are rich in symbolic meaning. So if you’ve dreamed of a black snake, that detail will add another layer to your dream interpretation.

In some cultures, black is associated with death, emotional darkness, or the subconscious. In others, it is linked to power, potency, and mystery.

Interpreting your black snake dream

All these different meanings can make pinpointing the message behind your own black snake dream challenging.

Looking at the details of your dream will help. If there are elements that stood out – a location, say, or the appearance or behavior of the snake – they are probably important. Or, You can check it on Dream Interpretation website, With over 10,000 dream symbol definitions, it is one of the most extensive databases of dream interpretations available on the internet.

The thoughts and feelings you experienced in your dream are relevant too. They’re all clues being thrown up by your subconscious mind. And that means they can help you interpret the meaning of your dream accurately.

The key here is to think about what the elements of your dream mean to you. If your Great Uncle Cyril died after being bitten by a black snake, its appearance probably has negative connotations. (Unless, of course, you hated Great Uncle Cyril and were relieved to see the back of him!)

If, on the other hand, your dearest childhood pet was a black snake, the associations will be quite different.

Remember: it’s your subconscious mind that’s choosing the black snake as a dream symbol. And that means it’s the meaning you personally attach to it that’s most important.

Nevertheless, some dream scenarios recur between different people, probably as a result of shared culture and experiences. So let’s take a look at some common black snake dreams and what they might mean.

1. Dream About black snake chasing You

Dreams where you’re being pursued by something or someone often relate to avoidance.

They can be a message from your subconscious mind that you’re trying to ignore a problem instead of confronting it. Until you choose to turn and face your fear, your dream suggests, you won’t be able to overcome it.

The black snake here represents the thing you’re trying to avoid. That could be a person, a problem, or even an emotion.

If the color black was significant, it could reflect that you’re not yet able to see the issue in question clearly. Black here may be symbolising mystery.

Alternatively, it could be a sign that you see the issue as important, powerful, or even dangerous.

The snake represents another aspect of the issue at hand. It could relate to treachery or deceit, renewal, or fertility. Consider each of these and see how they fit with your own circumstances.

Perhaps you’re anxious about someone in your life you feel is untrustworthy. You may have worries relating to you or your partner being or becoming pregnant. Or perhaps you feel you’re at a turning point in your life, with a new chapter opening before you.

Whatever meaning chimes for you, your dream is prompting you to acknowledge the issue frankly. Only by doing so can you take the next step on your spiritual journey.

2. Dream About black snake moving away from you

Dreams where a black snake is avoiding you are often considered to reflect a change on the horizon. Some people believe they’re a sign that you’re on the right path to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself.

The black snake here could represent the nature of the change that’s coming. It could indicate that the change will bring renewal, with fresh energy and motivation.

The fact that the snake is black might suggest that the details of the change are as yet unclear. Or it could reflect that the change means the end – the “death” – of one phase of life and the beginning of another.

3. Dream About black snake wrapping itself around you

If your dream involved a black snake wrapping itself around you, your dream feelings are crucial to its interpretation. Did you feel constrained? Panicked? Anxious? Or was the snake comforting – or even arousing?

The black snake in this case represents something that you feel is having a big impact on your life. It’s close to you, almost like a second skin.

If you felt the snake was constraining you, it probably reflects a similar feeling in your waking hours. Are you feeling smothered or overwhelmed by your job, a relationship, or even your day-to-day routine?

If, on the other hand, the black snake evokes more positive feelings, it could represent a source of comfort, or even an object of desire. Snakes are phallic symbols, so your dream snake could represent eroticism or passion.

4. Dream About black snake trying to bite you

If your dream black snake was trying to bite you, your subconscious mind could be alerting you to danger.

As in the other scenarios, the color could indicate that the danger here is hidden, powerful – or both. And the snake may suggest that the threat relates to change of some kind on the horizon.

Other details of your dream may provide more clues to the nature of the danger. If the snake appeared in your workplace, for example, it could suggest an issue with a job or a colleague.

5. Dream About black snake on your bed

Your bed is a place of privacy, passion, and vulnerability. Dreaming of a black snake in or on your bed is likely to link to the creature’s phallic symbolism.

Dreams of this kind could be reflecting erotic desires. The black color of the snake might reflect that those desires are taboo. Your subconscious brain could be exploring possibilities your waking self would find distasteful or even repulsive.

Or the black snake might be reflecting an attraction that you haven’t yet acknowledged – even to yourself.

6. Dream About Killing a black snake

In dreams of killing a black snake, the snake is likely to represent an obstacle you’re facing. By killing it, your brain is reassuring you that you can overcome whatever problems are in your path.

If you felt happy, strong, or successful in your dream, you’re already on the way to achieving this.

But if killing the snake was a struggle, it may suggest a need to call on help from those around you.

7. Dream About Being surrounded by black snakes

Dreaming of more than one black snake suggests multiple aspects of a problem, or an issue you find overwhelming. If you’re experiencing a toxic work environment, for example, the snakes could represent colleagues you distrust.

Were the snakes in a specific location? Did any of them have features that reminded you of a person or place? Or were they behaving in a way that made you think of a particular scenario? Any of these could be a clue to the issue that’s bothering you.

8.  Dream About black snake in water 

Water in dreams often represents emotions or your psychic self. Dreaming of a black snake in water, therefore, can be a potent symbol of psychic renewal. Or, less positively, it could relate to a fear of disloyalty from others, or even self-sabotage.

As ever, the emotions you experienced in your dream are invaluable prompts towards the correct meaning. If you felt happy when you saw the snake, a positive interpretation will be appropriate.

But if your dream was accompanied by anxious feelings, your dreaming mind is encouraging you to reflect on real-life worries. By being honest with yourself about those feelings, you’re taking the first step to improving the situation.

Black snake dream interpretation: a quickfire summary

Both snakes in general and black snakes in particular are rich in mythology and symbolism. They can represent mystery, renewal, fertility, and eternity. But they can also signify treachery and deceit.

Reflecting on what black snakes mean to you is an important first step in accurately interpreting your dream. And looking at the other details, as well as the feelings you experienced while dreaming, will guide you in finding its meaning.

Good luck in unravelling the message from your subconscious mind!

This article was written in cooperation with Amrytt Media