Compulsory Insurance- What is it and why do we need it?

 (photo credit: FREEPIK.COM)
(photo credit: FREEPIK.COM)

When driving a motor vehicle, every person in the state of Israel is required to have compulsory insurance. The Israeli law makes it clear that the driver of the vehicle must get their own insurance coverage. While compulsory insurance does not provide complete coverage that the average Israeli driver might want, it does still cover body injuries as a result of a car accident could be reimbursed through a damage claim. So the question is not if one will get car insurance, but rather how, when, and which one? 

Not only will compulsory insurance cover basic insurance needs, it is also reduced to a simple package that applies to every insurance company in Israel. This means that each company is able to offer the same insurance deal to any customer that would like one. For example, in a car accident involving multiple people, everyone affected would be able to make a damage claim and be reimbursed with compulsory insurance. 

Comparing Insurance Policies 

So, one may be wondering how to go about their search for the best and easiest insurance policy. This is tricky because different compulsory insurance companies are pretty much the same, as they only cover basic needs. Of course there are details that differ between each insurance company like premium and customer service. Luckily, there is an online service called Wobi that can help you compare insurance packages, Using this service will make choosing an insurance provider efficient and optimal. In simpler terms, Wobi will do the hard work for you! Wobi streamlines everything onto one online platform so that you don’t have to research the differences between each package on your own, which is time consuming and inconvenient. These differences lie in two main categories: the premium and the nature of the service. 

Comparing Based on Premium

Although many companies offer the same compulsory insurance packages, these packages may be priced differently. So in a way, choosing your car insurance policy is almost like shopping because one can always find a better deal on their insurance policy! Now the question becomes how to easily compare insurance prices. By using Wobi’s internet platform which specializes in comparing and buying insurance policies, it enables users to find reliable insurance offers. By doing this, one can compare prices between different insurance policies and choose the best one at their own leisure.

Comparing Based on the Nature of Service 

With the online service Wobi, insurance seekers can also search for supplements to their compulsory insurance, such as comprehensive insurance or third party insurance. Getting supplemental insurance may be a good idea since compulsory insurance doesn’t cover everything relating to property damage. For example, a driver may want coverage for damage to their vehicle, but compulsory insurance only covers bodily injuries. Wobi can help you easily compare the prices and customer service of different companies and insurance packages.

Insurance Made Simple

All in all, Wobi - Digital Insurance Agency can help you find the ideal car insurance plan for you without having to research on your own, which can oftentimes be overwhelming. Using this online platform is a great way of comparing and buying  insurance packages while also saving a lot of time and money. So, the next time you are looking into a new insurance plan, make sure to use Wobi so that you can get the best deal on your car insurance.