Dor Moriah: Shaping Israel's future in a global context

  (photo credit: Dor Moriah association)
(photo credit: Dor Moriah association)

The Dor Moriah think tank actively participates in shaping Israel's future image. The organization's experts conduct sociological research, prepare analytical documents, and organize expert discussions aimed at rethinking the country's geopolitical position between the Collective West and the Global South. Their activities demonstrate how proactive citizens and organizations can influence the strategic development of their country within the global landscape.

Recent Events and Initiatives

  1. Expert Meeting and Creation of the Coordination Council to Strengthen Economic Cooperation between Israel and BRICS Countries

On June 27, 2024, Dor Moriah organized an expert discussion in Tel Aviv on the topic "Israel: Between the Collective West and the Global South" as part of the “Haifa Format” project. The event presented the results of a series of sociological studies conducted by the Center from March 2023 to June 2024, focusing on current issues in Israeli society and geopolitics.

This event catalyzed the creation of the "Coordination Council for Israel's Cooperation with BRICS Countries," marking a new stage in the strategic vision for Israel's future.

  (credit: Dor Moriah association)
(credit: Dor Moriah association)
  1. First Meeting of the Coordination Council and Judeo-Islamic Interfaith Dialogue

On July 25, 2024, the first meeting of the newly created Coordination Council took place in Tel Aviv. The agenda included:

  1. Discussion of the results of sociological research on Israel's position between the West and the Global South.
  2. Approval of the Council's activity regulations.
  3. Development of a strategy based on the research findings.

Special attention was given to strengthening interfaith dialogue between Judaism and traditional Islam, seen as a crucial step in combating radical groups in the Middle East. This dialogue also aims to strengthen cultural ties with Middle Eastern countries, including those that signed the Abraham Accords.

The meeting also addressed a large-scale information campaign to strengthen ties between Israel and India within the context of potential cooperation with BRICS:

A video address by Dor Moriah leaders to Indian partners attracted the attention of over a million Indian citizens.

The message was published in more than 43 Indian media outlets, demonstrating the campaign's broad reach.

The campaign highlighted the growing interest in Israel's potential rapprochement with the Global South.

Dor Moriah conducted a comprehensive study titled "Israel between the Collective West and the Global South," revealing several key trends in public opinion:

  1. 70% of Israelis recognize the existence of a conflict between the Collective West and the Global South.
  2. 59% of respondents consider this conflict predominantly economic, while 41% see it as geopolitical.
  3. 35.8% of those surveyed advocate for Israel's neutrality and building constructive relations with both the West and the Global South.
  4. The majority of Israelis (55%) are poorly informed about BRICS, which presents opportunities for educational outreach.
  5. Only 16% of Israelis believe that Israel should align exclusively with the Collective West.

Israelis expect positive changes in all spheres of the country's life if Israel were to join BRICS, particularly in economics and foreign policy.

  1. Meetings in the Knesset

On July 29, 2024, two strategically important meetings took place, during which Dor Moriah's projects and those of its partner organizations were discussed.

Activists and experts from Dor Moriah and the Derech Eretz Movement met with Yuli Edelstein, a Knesset member from the Likud party and chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee. Edelstein emphasized the new security challenges facing Israel and the need for a multi-vector foreign policy. Dor Moriah experts also noted a problem with civil society being used as a tool for controlled chaos, where public activists seek to replace representative democracy with plebiscitary democracy, aiming to remove legally elected government and parliament in the name of the “street”. Such political and civic activists call for re-elections but do not recognize elections in advance if the results are not to their liking.

A second meeting in the Knesset with MP Amitai A-Levi focused on promoting a parliamentary lobby for the legalization of district councils in Israeli cities. This initiative, promoted by Dor Moriah, aims to introduce elements of a majoritarian electoral system at the local level. Issues related to the development of the Derech Eretz movement and the reduction of civil divisions in Israeli society were also discussed.

  (credit: Dor Moriah association)
(credit: Dor Moriah association)

Shaping the Image of Israel's Future

Dor Moriah's activities demonstrate how think tanks and proactive citizens can play a key role in shaping their country's future. The organization not only studies public opinion but also actively participates in shaping it, creating a space for dialogue among various stakeholders and offering new perspectives on Israel's development in a complex geopolitical landscape.

The results of their research and the success of their information campaign in India show that Israelis are open to the idea of a more balanced foreign policy that considers the interests of both the West and the Global South. This sets the stage for a potential shift in the country's course toward greater neutrality and expanded cooperation with developing economies.

Initiatives by Dor Moriah, such as the creation of the Coordination Council for Cooperation with BRICS, can become catalysts for real change in Israel's policy. They provide a platform for discussing and developing concrete steps to expand interaction with the Global South while maintaining traditional ties with the West.

Dor Moriah's work underscores the importance of civic initiative and analytical activity in shaping the country's future. The organization demonstrates how non-governmental structures can influence foreign policy, creating a favorable environment for potential geopolitical shifts and contributing to a deeper understanding of Israel's place in the transforming world order.

This article was written in cooperation with Dor Moriah association