Elite betting tips to maximize your winning potential

  (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Placing bets is a thrilling and entertaining hobby, but no matter how much fun you have, the urge to win will always be bigger. That's what makes betting so intense—to constantly chase the victory and the satisfaction that comes with a perfect prediction. 

If you find yourself in the description above, we have something in common. We also love to see that our thought process leads to a successful prediction. But sometimes, you need an extra dose of information to be sure that your prediction has the best possible chance of being correct.

We want to share our knowledge and let you know some of the tricks we use for information-gathering and decision-making processes when it comes to sports betting.

We Think In Credits

Being efficient and profitable in the long term has to be the result of multiple good practices. One of them is to treat betting like a proper business. Therefore, you must consider any dollar to be your most valuable tool. Detach yourself from the financial perspective. From now on, money becomes a tool. To establish a better psychological separation, transform your budget into several credits. 

A credit can have any value as long as it helps you organize your betting budget. You will often see pro bettors expressing their bets using credits: "Bet 5 credits on team 1." Doing this will help you monitor your spending and winnings, but it will also help you become more pragmatic in relation to money.

We Compare Predictions

The No. 1 piece of advice in betting is to do your own research, but nothing stops you from looking at what other experts think. What we would normally do after a few hours of research is open Bet Brain and check to see if their team has any predictions that match ours.

Most times, if your calculations are right, your predictions will match others. But what happens when you work so hard to find out how a game will end, and everyone has a whole different opinion? You must not lose faith in your judgment, but it may be a good thing to return to your data and check again. You are likely missing something important related to your game.

We Are Dutching Bets

Dutching bets is an advanced strategy, but it is very easy to understand. It will take you some time to apply because it takes practice. We start by saying that you can only dutch bets where more than 10 participants are competing with each other. It is because you have to divide your credits between multiple distinct bets. If you know what are the odds for the first 3 favorite participants in a sports event, you must use a dutch betting calculator, and find out how much to bet on each other in order to win the same amount of cash for each of them.


  • Player 1 odds 3.0 - Bet 55.56 credits
  • Player 2 odds 6.0 - Bet 27.78 credits
  • Player 3 odds 10.0 - Bet 16.67 credits.

The potential win for each of these bets is 166.67, with a profit of 66.67 credits no matter who wins. The risk of losing is smaller, but you are still risking none of them to end up winning. You can say that this is a smart betting strategy, but you should still manage your bankroll well.

Extra: 4 Betting Strategies Approved By Experts

  • Spam 1X bets to secure a higher chance of winning.
  • Early cashouts are a safety net for those who are looking to obtain profit in the long run.
  • Become a specialist in a league or sport. You will start to better understand the league and make your predictions based on experience.
  • Search and learn about the Fibonacci sequence.

To conclude, betting is not just about luck but involves a strategic approach and disciplined money management. By conditioning your mind to think in credits, compare predictions and employing dutching bets, you can significantly enhance your chances of success. Don’t forget, to become a successful bettor lies in continuously refining your methods, staying informed, and managing your bankroll wisely.

This article was written in cooperation with Clara Micle-Smart