Epic Jewish musicians to pay tribute to Magen David for Oct. 7 heroism

 MDA team at Sheba hospital, with the wounded they rescued on October 7 (photo credit: MDA Spokesperson’s Office)
MDA team at Sheba hospital, with the wounded they rescued on October 7
(photo credit: MDA Spokesperson’s Office)

After captivating the audience with mesmerizing musical compositions in the past, the “Hasidic and Classical Music” concert organized by the Israeli Friends of Magen David Adom returns this year under the theme of “Triumph of Life” in Caesarea.

During a typical year, Israel’s national emergency rescue organization, Magen David Adom, needs more volunteers, resources, vehicles, and life-saving equipment. Since the outbreak of the war, the organization has been busy filling gaps and preparing for extreme scenarios. On October 7th, MDA teams provided life-saving assistance to tens of thousands of wounded and injured by opening  field clinics throughout the Gaza envelope, and evacuating the wounded  in bulletproof ambulances and helicopter evacuation with MDA’s helicopter fleet.

Fifteen ambulances were damaged and went out of service in the murderous Hamas attack on Simchat Torah and during the war that followed. At the same time, since the beginning of the war, MDA increased its ambulance fleet with 400 MICU (mobile intensive care vehicles ) and additional ambulances, all part of MDA’s preparations and preparedness for the days to come.

Orly Ariel, Director General  of Israeli Friends of MDA, reveals that the organization is working assiduously to obtain another 20 bulletproof ambulances and 20 4×4 emergency vehicles with special handling capabilities which will enable to save lives wherever necessary. These ambulances are a dramatic reinforcement to MDA's operational activity, which this year received additional important significance in  light of the war, during which MDA proved its professionalism and readiness for the most extreme scenarios, as well as thousands of advanced life-saving equipment kits for the volunteers.

Above all, it is important to remember that MDA volunteers saved tens of thousands of lives around the clock, day and night, amid the Hamass attack and under missile fire in the following months. Unfortunately, dozens of MDA volunteers lost their lives while  fulfilling their mission of saving lives and ensuring our safety.

Yonatan Razel (credit: ILAN BASHOR)
Yonatan Razel (credit: ILAN BASHOR)

Menachem Blumenthal , a paramedic at the MDA Tzochar station together with Hananya Almakais, senior MDA medic worked the night shift between Friday and Black Saturday, when at 6:30 A.M., the barrage of missiles began over the villages of the Gaza envelope. “Ten minutes later, MDA received a call about a seriously injured man in the Bnei Netzarim area, and we immediately went to the scene. During the medical treatment, at around 7:00 A.M., we began receiving reports of terrorist infiltrations into the surrounding villages (moshavim). We realized that we would not be able to evacuate the patient to the hospital because there were terrorists on the roads around us, so we decided to enter the nearby Moshav Naveh,” Menachem recalls. “We arrived at the community synagogue with our intensive care vehicle  and our patient inside, and decided to convert the synagogue into an improvised field hospital and prepare to receive additional casualties.”

Blumenthal realized that they were the only medical point in the area. He began preparing for expected wounded by contacting the residents of the area and requesting that anyone with medical training come to the synagogue, asking the moshav clinic to provide them with all the medical equipment it had, and obtaining stretchers from the nearby pre-military college. With the help of the residents, he set up an improvised clinic inside the synagogue, with the possibility of the terrorists lurking outside.

Menachem asked for a security envelope from the emergency squad, which was busy at the time stopping the terrorists who had infiltrated the surrounding communities. When he realized the magnitude of the incident, he contacted the MDA dispatch center and asked to direct ambulances with wounded people to the synagogue.

Michael Gottesman, an MDA ambulance driver from Shlomit, whose life was saved thanks to the resourcefulness of Menachem Blumenthal, Hananya Almakais, and Akiva Shabbat, said that in the first moments after the injury and the initial evacuation, he did not even understand where he was. “I didn’t realize I was in the synagogue. I saw Menahem, who began treating me, and I said to myself, ‘God sent an angel to take care of me.’ In retrospect, I realize that in addition to the medical care I received, the holy books that surrounded me kept me safe.”

In a very emotional encounter that took place at Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer, Menachem the paramedic and Akiva the medic met with Biran and Michael Gottesman, two of the wounded they had saved in the synagogue field clinic.

Only two weeks ago, MDA and Kibbutz Nir Oz learned of the death of MDA medic Dolev Yehud, 35, from Nir Oz, who  had bravely treated the injured and saved lives during the Black Saturday. He was murdered in the Nir Oz area on October 7th, during the first days of the war. His body was found in the kibbutz, but initially it was not confirmed that it was him. Throughout the war, it was believed that he had been abducted to the Gaza Strip, but no definitive information was received to confirm that Hamas had indeed kidnapped him.

At some point, a suspicion arose that he might not have been abducted but murdered in Israeli territory. Connecting the dots, the authorities reached the conclusion that the body found in Nir Oz was Dolev's. DNA tests confirmed with certainty that it was indeed him. Dolev Yehud left behind a wife and four children. His daughter Dor was born nine days after he was murdered. His sister Arbel is still held captive by Hamas. May his memory be blessed.

Nine months after the outbreak of the Iron Sword War, MDA  fundraising concert  “featuring Hassidic and Classical music arrives” at the Caesarea Amphitheater. This unique concert,  identified with MDA in recent years, is a connection between Jewish music with the mitzvah of saving lives. 

The concert, organized by the Israeli Friends of Magen David Adom, is a tribute to Magen David Adom teams and their efforts of saving lives, and in memory of the MDA personnel who fell defending their country during the “Iron Swords” war. All proceeds from ticket sales will be dedicated toward the purchasing of bulletproof ambulances and blood donation vehicles that are currently essential for MDA, especially now, in light of the great challenges and threats Israel faces in the various arenas. 

The concert bearing the title “Triumph of Life,” is sponsored by an anonymous philanthropist, an MDA friend and true supporter  for many years, whose donations immensely strengthened MDA’s operational capabilities.

A period-appropriate music celebration is expected in Caesarea, featuring the best artists of Jewish and Hasidic music, with the  Israeli singer and songwriter and singer Yishai Ribo, the world-renowned cantor Yitzhak Meir Helfgot, American international tenor Shalom Lemmer and the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by maestro Yonatan Razel, arranged all of the songs, transforming the greatest Hasidic musical hits into contemporary modern musical art. It will be a rare, exciting ,sweeping, powerful, and uplifting Jewish music experience . The event will be hosted by esteemed media and TV presenter, Sivan Rahav Meir. 

The “Hasidic and Classical Music” concert has already brought together different styles of music on a smaller stage (Heichal HaTarbut in Tel Aviv) which now come together for an unprecedented concert, this time to be performed on the large and historic stage at the Caesarea National Park, in the presence of MDA management and other guests of honor.

Caesarea, which has become the stronghold of secular music and where Hasidic music has not been heard for over a decade, will undergo a Hasidic musical transformation.

The esteemed producer Yitzhak Roshi is holding all the surprises close to his chest. Over the past six months, he has been touring the world, drawing inspiration, and meeting first-class professionals to produce a unique unprecedented concert. Roshi has vowed to do everything he can in order to create the biggest and most exciting event of his life.

“Two months and a day ago, I experienced a medical event. I wavered between life and death as a result of a stomach leak. In the end, the people who came and treated me, stabilized me, and literally saved my life were an MDA team of two paramedics. I remember saying in the ambulance, ‘Just so you know, I’ll make such a special event for you; you deserve it!’ I was so excited. After this difficult time, I suddenly understood for the first time what ‘saving lives’ is. I went through a very difficult ordeal, and these angels were there, and it motivated me even more to produce a fairy-tale event...”

“It’s almost already a tradition with us  I really want to, but I can’t tell.” One can only assume that, as in the past, the combinations, performances, scenery, and especially the content Yitzhak Roshi weaves on stage and on the way (Ooopps! A clue has been revealed)  will surprise and excite those who come to Caesarea.

“There will be musical combinations from South Africa to South America, Hasidic and international songs of yesteryear, Israeli nostalgia alongside classics, duets, trio and quartets that have not yet been heard, including an  appearance by a special guest.”

Roshi reveals that all the songs arrangements and compositions received a “Jonathan touch” from Maestro Yonatan Razel that will be felt in every note of the show. “Yonatan doesn’t make life easy for the musicians of the orchestra He delves into every note with them, to  the highest accuracy, and of course, full synchronization between all the musicians. It’s not an easy job, and he works tirelessly in order to achieve the best performance. I can tell you that they’ve been working on this show close to a year.”

For donations: Magen David Adom

This article was written in cooperation with Magen David Adom