How to get quality followers on Instagram: Buy Instagram followers

There are ways to get quality followers on Instagram. Check out these tips and learn to buy Instagram followers from reputable sources for a boost.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Having quality followers on Instagram is more important than merely trying to increase your follower count. With quality followers, you can connect with more potential followers, introduce your brand to your target audience, and develop a thriving business.

To help you accomplish this, we'll discuss tips for gaining social proof using follower quality, analytics tools, relatable content types, and each marketing strategy you can employ. You'll also find information on social media management tools, scheduling tools, and growth tools.

We’ll tackle the problems associated with low-quality followers, bot accounts, and spam accounts. Finally, we’ll start you with learning to buy Instagram followers.

What Are High-Quality Followers?

High-quality followers are real people; they're organic followers who react to user-generated content on other people’s social media accounts. Like genuine, active followers, high-quality followers are real accounts of real people who post content for other users to engage.

Unlike low-quality followers, fake accounts, or bot followers, their interactions and engagements constitute the social proof that fake accounts cannot provide.

How Does One Get High-Quality Instagram Followers?

The social media giant is teeming with high-quality followers to attract. All you have to do is exploit all your resources and take advantage of all workable areas of the platform.

Consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Optimize Your Instagram Bio

First, let’s talk about your Instagram bio. Your bio is the primary landing page for your Instagram account.

Every part of the bio would need optimization to attract more traffic. Of course, don't forget to keep your profile public.

Your Instagram bio will include the following:

  • Profile Picture
  • Name, Handle, or Username
  • Description
  • Clickable Link (URL)
  • Category
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons
  • Story Highlights

According to the CEO of Growthwisely, Instagram users will only start following you naturally if your bio is complete. Fill out each component, and observe how your profile generates more traffic.

The description is the best place to input a catchphrase from all the bio features. Think of something witty and memorable that can entice potential followers to follow you.

Tip 2: Create Your Instagram Identity

Instagram is an excellent platform to showcase your brand identity. Design a unique style for your Instagram account, just like a website or a physical storefront. You'll find more potential customers flocking to your page if done correctly.

Credit: IngImage
Credit: IngImage

Choose a distinct appearance that would make your content easily recognizable. Make the design signify what you want your audience to see, whether a professional, niche, business, or brand account.

Remember that most potential customers come from real users, and you can't generate revenue from fake accounts. If active followers easily recognize your profile, they'll join and remain on your follower list.

Tip 3: Maximize All Content Types

Unlike other soc-med platforms, Instagram allows users to upload content in different formats. If you want to keep real followers hitched and expand your IG presence, take advantage of the various content types:

  • Instagram Reels
  • Single Photos
  • Carousel Photos
  • Videos
  • Instagram Live Videos
  • Guide Posts
  • Instagram Stories

Imagine how expansive your account’s reach could become if you can master exploiting all formats. Your current audience can grow into a monetizable group of individuals.

Tip 4: Consistently Publish Quality Content

Once you know how to use all content types on Instagram, take advantage of each channel and upload quality content regularly. Examples of quality content include unique, original, and exciting material.

Don’t leave your spectators hanging and waiting for your next uploads. With quality content uploaded regularly, you can get Instagram likes from thousands of followers interested in what you have in store.

Tip 5: Engage Your Followers and Keep Them Interested

Keeping your IG followers interested is one of the more difficult tasks to take on within the platform. Aside from publishing quality content, you might also want to diversify your uploads.

Consider the following content types:

  • Inspirational content
  • Popular content
  • Educational content

Also, do not forget to engage with your followers. Interact with your IG followers by following them, reacting to their engagements, and collaborating.

One way to engage relevant users is to feature accounts they may also be interested in. If they notice you share the same interests, they'll stay as your followers and entice others to follow you.

Tip 6: Maintain a Schedule for Posting Content

Credit: IngImage
Credit: IngImage

In addition to consistently publishing diversified quality content, another successful marketing strategy for reaching a wider audience is keeping a tightly-knit schedule.

Prepare quality content in advance, and know the best times to post on Instagram to establish an efficient social media presence. This way, your posts appear at the right times to reach more people and entice them to join your network.

Tip 7: Exploit All Available Platforms

A successful marketing plan does not end with a single social media platform. You have to make your IG presence known through other social channels.

Introduce yourself and your business to ideal customers by linking your IG profile to business accounts on the following platforms:

  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

Since some influential users prefer various other platforms, you can have them increase your network by reaching out to them where they are the busiest.

Tip 8: Understand SEO

Social media marketing success is highly dependent on search engine optimization (SEO). Even with Instagram, SEO has a lot to do with effectively attracting lots of followers.

It is not enough to post user-generated content and expect your online presence to broaden. If you want actual people to see your posts, you must optimize them for search engines.

The most basic example is using the appropriate keywords on hashtags. That said, there are two types of SEO on Instagram: off-page and on-page.

Off-page SEO refers to linking your Instagram profile to other social media channels, as discussed in Tip 7. On the other hand, on-page SEO revolves around actions based on Tips 1 through 6.

Tip 9: Understand the Competition

Suppose you're running a highly competitive business. Understanding your competition is also a great way to broaden your reach.

Observe how they attract followers and try to adapt their tactics. In many cases, influential users get plenty of followers by collaborating with the competition.

Tip 10: Buy Instagram Followers of the Highest Quality

As a startup business, gaining 10k followers fast can be a problem. Here is where learning to buy Instagram followers at reasonable prices can give you the boost you sorely need.

Be wary of unscrupulous growth companies that only use phony accounts and promise instant delivery of follower package deals. Instead, look for providers with high-quality, active followers who offer exceptional service.

If you need a kickstart, buy Instagram followers from these growth companies:

1. provides fantastic customer service for their follower packages at a fair price. They can deliver quality followers within minutes, and you never have to worry about inauthentic likes and reactions to your posts.


Another growth company that offers quality services and quick delivery is Get your batch of followers gradually, and choose the delivery times for your purchase.


Like and, features exceptional terms of service at an affordable price. They do not deal with scam accounts; they will provide you with social followers to grow your reach.


If you’re looking to buy real Instagram followers that offer immediate results and low prices, is an excellent solution. They have a massive assortment of services that offer followers, likes, views, and more. Much like the previous three services, all of your engagement will be from genuine social media users with immediate results.

One of the most impressive features of is the competitiveness of its package pricing. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on marketing, you can acquire followers for as little as $1.44. Also, the transparency of pricing is something you’ll appreciate to get engagement that fits within your budget.

5. Exploreinlife

As our final recommendation for a trustworthy place to buy real active Instagram followers, Exploreinlife is ideal. They offer comprehensive packages with instant delivery to help you manage your social media growth. There are two primary options to consider: high-quality followers and active followers.

With high-quality followers, you’ll receive engagement from profiles with profile pictures. Active followers are genuine, guaranteed profiles that are continually active. Depending on your needs, one type of package could be preferred over others.

Like other engagement services, your packages come with guaranteed delivery without requiring your social media passwords. You’ll also have 24/7 support to help guide you through the process of boosting your engagement.

Tip 11: Use Social Media Management Tools

Managing all your marketing tasks can be daunting on a vast social media platform such as Instagram. With the help of social media management (SMM) tools, you can simplify things and do more in less time.

Examples of SMM tools include post-schedulers, analytics data, reports, and social media feed displays.

Tip 12: Use Visual Content Enhancement Tools

Real users run social networking accounts on a mobile phone or a computer. You must optimize all user-generated content for preview on any device.

Using visual content enhancement tools is essential for uploading quality content. You get more followers by posting high-quality photos and videos.

Take advantage of video and photo editing apps to make your posts more attractive.

Tip 13: Consider Influencer Marketing

Credit: IngImage
Credit: IngImage

Getting an influencer to mention you somewhere is a proven way to get more quality followers. However, influencer marketing requires a bit of time and effort on your part as a startup.

First, establish a list of influencers you think you can reach out to and connect you with the right audience. You'll get better chances if you start with smaller accounts and use those connections to reach out to more famous people.

The trick is to be genuine as possible. Get to know your target influencers and build an interest in their content. When you reach out to them, your pitch will sound more appealing for a continuous relationship.

Tip 14: Collaborate With Brands

Like influencer marketing, connecting with brands requires some stepping stones. Only expect the world's largest brands to work with you if you have established yourself with smaller brands.

Be thankful for gaining a connection with even the least popular brands. The more brands you work with, no matter how small, the more authority you present to potential followers.

Tip 15: Consider Instagram Ads

Like buying followers, advertising on Instagram is another way to spend your money to get more followers. Let's face it - your posts will only ever reach a meager percentage of your entire following.

Instagram advertising enables you to reach out to more relevant users who will, in turn, help you reach out to thousands of followers.

How Do You Make Your Followers Quality?

Instagram has grown to have more than a billion active users monthly, and it has become an essential tool in any industry. Just like other social networking accounts, Instagram has all the growth tools for social media marketing success.

To keep and gain more quality followers on your roster, use all the previously mentioned tips and establish a feasible marketing plan.

Instagram Followers FAQs

1. Why do Instagram followers matter?

Followers are what make social media marketing on Instagram a very lucrative endeavor. Through them, brands, products, and services reach their target market.

Without followers, there's no one to promote marketable items to other potential customers.

2. How do Instagram followers grow business?

Instagram followers grow a business by spreading the news about the business. They become the first lines of communication for a business to reach new followers.

In turn, new followers become the pieces of a more extensive network of new promoters. As the number of dedicated followers grows, so does the business.

3. What is the difference between high-quality followers and premium followers?

We've already established that high-quality followers are those with real accounts who genuinely interact with your content. The thing with many growth companies is that they differentiate their follower packages as high-quality or premium.

Premium followers are a bit pricier but offer more interactions or engagements than high-quality followers.

4. What is a good Instagram follower growth rate?

The estimated organic growth rate of Instagram followers ranges between two and six percent for users that consistently post content and engage with other users.

Anything below this range means you need to improve your strategy.

While any rate beyond six percent is beneficial, you must have social proof to back it up.

5. What is a good follower to following ratio?

Also called the "follow ratio," the follower-to-following ratio is the relationship between your followers and the number of accounts you follow. It is a metric that gives other users an idea of whether you are a creator or a consumer.

If you have more followers than accounts to follow, it signifies that you are in it to create content. On the other hand, if you follow more accounts than your follower count, you're more of a content viewer or consumer.

A good follow ratio is five followers to one following. With such a ratio, your account will appear to other users as worth following.

6. How do I grow my Instagram followers organically?

Except for buying followers, all the tips mentioned present methods for increasing your follower count organically. If you do things correctly, you could be on your way to Instagram fame faster than you might think.

Nevertheless, acquiring the services of real followers can speed things up a bit. As long as you stick to buying followers who are actual people, they can help you connect with ideal customers.

7. What is the best way to grow Instagram followers?

Of all the tips we've mentioned, understanding your competition is the best way to increase your follower count.

Understanding them lets you see how they engage with their audience. Employ their strategies or improve on those strategies to attract more followers.

Who knows? You might even get a chance to snuff out the competition by engaging with their audiences.

This article was written in cooperation with Howsociable