Israel's guardians of the North: Frontline of humanity and hope

At Ziv Medical Center in Safed, we consider it our sacred mission to stand as guardians of life for both the men and women of the Israel Defense Forces and our civilian population.

  (photo credit: ZIV MEDICAL CENTER)
(photo credit: ZIV MEDICAL CENTER)

In a land where ancient traditions meet indomitable courage, the true frontline of Israel’s security isn't merely a geographical location; it's in the hearts and hands of those who dare to care under fire—our sons and daughters in uniform, and our devoted healthcare professionals. At Ziv Medical Center in Safed, we consider it our sacred mission to stand as guardians of life for both the men and women of the Israel Defense Forces and our civilian population.

A Father First, A Healer Second

I wear multiple hats—not only as the Director-General of Ziv Medical Center but also as a father whose sons serve in the IDF, and as a husband to a wife who helps console families shattered by loss. For our family, this isn’t just another chapter in Israel’s history; it's a lived reality, a calling that transcends our professions.After 25 years in the IDF, where I eventually served as North Command Medical Officer during the IDF’s Operation 'Protective Edge,' I've taken my sense of duty to a new battlefield: the hospitals and clinics where life hangs in the balance. 


The Faces of Resilience

From my vantage point, the view extends beyond the Sea of Galilee. I see a living tapestry of Israel’s remarkable diversity—Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Druze, and Christians, all converging in one place for one purpose: to save lives. The diversity within our staff reflects the unity in our shared mission, a unity that is tested yet unwavering amid the sound of sirens and the fear of rockets.

The True Frontline

While Ziv Medical Center is undeniably a target, the enemy's aim is far broader than the walls of a single hospital. Each rocket launched at us is an attack on the Israeli spirit—the spirit of resilience, of recovery, and of relentless hope. They aim for us because they know that by targeting the healers, they target the heart of Israel.


A Call to Partnership

As we navigate through the fog of war, let’s keep our eyes fixed on the horizon of possibilities. The Galilee is not just a battleground; it's fertile soil for a better future. We invite you to join 'Partners in Ziv,' an alliance that extends beyond the immediate urgencies to lay the groundwork for a Galilee abundant in better healthcare access and communal unity.

On behalf of our team at Ziv, we want to extend a hand in hopes of broadening this spirit of communal unity.  Share this story with your giving circle, synagogue or church and consider building a long-term relationship with us as a Partner in Ziv. Your involvement is more than mere support; it's an investment in humanity itself, a commitment to the sanctity of life and the resilience of a community. Let’s shape a brighter future—side by side, hand in hand.


Together, WE WIN.

Your involvement in this legacy of resilience and hope can make a world of difference. Stand with us. Build a better future with us. Heal with us. Become an integral part of this narrative of hope and resilience. Share this message and consider becoming a Partner in Ziv today.

Link here to partner with Ziv.

This article was written in cooperation with Ziv Medical Center