When people are looking for a prospective employer, one of the most important elements they look for other than monetary compensation is health insurance coverage. The significant costs of medical insurance can cause substantial financial hardship, so finding an employer-provided insurance plan can be a great relief for many people. Despite the strong desire to obtain health insurance, it can be quite the task.
From small companies to larger companies, they all have a hard time finding satisfactory health insurance at a low price. Jason Zuccari is the vice president of business development for Hamilton Insurance Agency, and he gives his expert opinion on this balancing act. He says that giving employees adequate insurance while maintaining a healthy profit margin is not as easy as some may think. Even if a business finds that perfect middle ground, there are other obstacles that surface, like the difficulties associated with onboarding employees and enrolling.
BeneBee is Zuccari’s new project that is here to help companies face this burdensome endeavor by changing how businesses implement benefits packages. BeneBee makes employees’ insurance options more clean and easier to manage, helping them get the care they need without all the inconvenience.
BeneBee is a mobile application that has all the resources needed by employers and employees needed to comprehend the inner-workings of health insurance and coverage. BeneBee includes: company-specific handbooks focused on your brand, on-demand customer service support, 24/7 telemedicine, a virtual insurance card for each user, and a step-by-step tutorial for enrolling in insurance programs.
When hearing the term “open enrollment”, employees often experience mixed feelings of happiness and anxiety. They feel relief that help with their healthcare costs is awaiting them, however, they begin to feel anxiety about how much they will be paying in copays, deductibles, covered services, among others. BeneBee removes any anxiety by helping guide people through the enrollment process step-by-step, supplementing this with how-to videos that give more in-depth support. If an employee hits an administrative pothole, on-demand service reps can help resolve any issues. Zuccari says that both employees and employers have a common ground, they both want good coverage at a low cost.
A great resource Zuccari provides is BeneLink Connect. This resource helps employers handle the enrollment process from start to finish, doing everything from collecting employee data to auditing invoices. BeneLink Connect also handles employee onboarding, billing, invoicing, managing logistics, ensuring ACA compliance, as well as necessary IRS reporting. Zuccari is confident that BeneBee will bring comprehensive insurance resources together in one place for both employers and employees.
For more information on BeneBee and formulating an insurance plan for your company : Hamilton Insurance Agency.
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