Nebraska MMJ card: Breaking barriers for access to holistic healing

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

As a state with some of the strictest marijuana laws in the country, things are looking the most hopeful they have in years for Nebraska. Although medical marijuana in Nebraska is still illegal, several individuals and groups are campaigning to finally get an MMJ program approved in 2024.

However, as of September 2023, if you’re wondering “how to get a medical MJ card in Nebraska,” you currently can’t. One of only two states that don’t provide any access to medical marijuana, there have been two failed attempts in recent years to get MMJ approved. But the hope is that the third time will be a charm in 2024.

In theory, it’s only a matter of time before medical marijuana in Nebraska is legalized. Many online platforms are preparing for that time with waiting lists to apply for a card and guidelines for the process. 

Medical Marijuana in Nebraska: The Background

Nebraska is historically steadfast in its prohibition against marijuana. But for the group of people determined to keep the state “marijuana-free,” there are those just as (if not more) passionate about legalizing medical cannabis.

In 2020 and 2022, cannabis activists led two petition efforts to put medical marijuana on the general election ballot for each corresponding year. Both efforts failed due to legal and funding challenges. 

The 2020 petition was dismissed just three months before the election by a deeply flawed court ruling. Opponents argued that since the petition addressed two questions as opposed to a single question, it violated state rules on ballot measures. The two questions were:

  • Should residents have the right to use marijuana for medical reasons
  • Should private companies be allowed to grow and sell marijuana

The court ruled in favor of the opponents and prevented it from going to voters based on the premise that ballot measures should focus on a single question. 

For the 2022 ballot, campaigners came just a few thousand signatures short of obtaining enough valid signatures. 

Now, campaigners are more determined than ever to get the matter on the November 2024 ballot. Research shows that cannabis boasts several therapeutic properties and may be a game-changer in holistic healing. 

Activists are committed to making the plant accessible to those who could really benefit from it, specifically for conditions like chronic pain and epilepsy, for which cannabis has shown much promise. If they get it right, it would be a major breakthrough in Nebraska, a state that has put up a big fight against legalizing any form of marijuana. 

What is the Plan for the 2024 Ballot?

Learning from the setbacks faced in 2020 and 2022, campaigners feel strongly that 2024 could be the year things for medical marijuana in Nebraska finally change. 

To prevent the same occurrence as in 2020, two petitions have been drafted to address the two questions separately. One is to set up the doctor-patient system, while the other is to regulate the industry. 

As of July 2023, organizers are officially collecting signatures to get the medical marijuana initiative on the 2024 ballot. They say they’re starting early and giving themselves more time to collect enough valid signatures. 

Applying for an MMJ Card in Nebraska

Since we’re hopeful that medical marijuana will become legal in Nebraska in the near future, here’s a quick guide on the likely steps for obtaining an MMJ card when that time comes.

It’s worth noting that specific state laws differ, so eligibility will depend on the law’s final text. Nonetheless, all states have similar general processes for submitting an application and getting an MMJ card.

  • Step 1 - Check your eligibility: Only patients with certain medical conditions will be eligible for an MMJ card. Nebraska will decide on “qualifying conditions” once MMJ is approved. Typically, you can expect conditions like multiple sclerosis, cancer, epilepsy, Parkison’s, and glaucoma to be approved.
  • Step 2 - Book a doctor’s consultation: A doctor must evaluate you and confirm that you suffer from a qualifying condition by submitting a doctor’s recommendation on your behalf.
  • Step 3 - Submit an application: Next, you will need to register with the state’s MMJ program online and submit an application for an MMJ card. If your application is approved, you will either receive a physical card in the mail or a digital card via email.

Some sites, such as MMJ Card Online and Veriheal, help patients apply for MMJ cards. They will guide you through the process and put you in touch with MMJ doctors.

Final Thoughts

As of 2023, medical marijuana in Nebraska is still illegal. However, campaigners are pushing to have the matter voted on in the 2024 election ballot, and many are hopeful that MMJ will finally be approved then.

When that time comes, the process for obtaining an MMJ card will likely be similar to other states. You should have a qualifying condition, consult with an approved doctor, and submit an online application. 

This article was written in cooperation with Hayley Rees