"Nine readings in the month of Av": A journey of introspection and renewal for troubled times

  (photo credit: Dr. Gil Pereg)
(photo credit: Dr. Gil Pereg)

In a timely release, "Nine Readings in the Month of Av" by Dr. Gil Pereg has been published, resonating deeply with the current period of the Three Weeks, a time of mourning in Jewish tradition. This year, the book holds particular significance following the tragic events of October 7.

The English edition, dedicated to the memory of Pereg's brother Nadav (Nadi), who passed away on Tisha B'Av ten years ago, offers a profound exploration of Jewish history and memory, intertwining personal loss with communal tragedy. The book is structured around nine study sessions that provide interpretive readings of historical and Talmudic texts, aiming to connect past events with contemporary social challenge.

The book emphasizes the importance of introspection and moral clarity in the face of destruction and suffering, urging readers to transform tragedy into a catalyst for societal rectification and personal growth.

"Nine Readings in the Month of Av" is not just a scholarly work but a call to action, encouraging the reader to engage in tikkun olam, the Jewish concept of repairing the world, especially poignant in these trying times.

For more details on Amazon: “Nine Readings in the Month of Av”

This article was written in cooperation with Dr. Gil Pereg