Plant a tree in Israel on your own land

  (photo credit: Boosner)
(photo credit: Boosner)

Plant a Tree in Israel on your very own land! It is a wonderful way of affirming your Jewish connection to our ancient homeland. It is a physical signification of our historical tie to the land of our forefathers and foremothers. It would be religiously and personally fulfilling to actually own the very land onto which your tree was planted. It is possible, inclusive of the privilege of keeping agricultural mitzvot in the land of Israel. How could you keep such mitzvot from afar? There are Israeli farmers who will arrange Trumot and Ma'asrot, observance of Shmitta and so forth. Not only that, but you will receive a bottle of premium pure olive oil from the area where your own tree is planted, each year.

It is written that every Jew has a share in the land of Israel and it can be in the form of actual registered land ownership. For thousands of years Jews have scraped and saved to be buried in the holy land of Israel. There were those who cherished even a tiny cloth bag holding a spoonful of earth from our ancient homeland, hoping at least to be buried with a bit of holy soil. In our central prayer of Shmah Yisrael, we aspire to be brought standing to our land. Every four steps taken in Israel count as a mitzva. The timeless attachment of Jews to the land of Israel is well documented in our texts. Still there are those who in the meantime, still reside elsewhere. 

For more information to purchase land in Israel>> 

If one lives outside of Israel, one can still have a foothold in  it by way of owning a tree and the land around it to visit and enjoy. Through our auspices, Jewish farmers tend your tree and plot of land in accordance with Halachah regarding agriculture in Israel.

Bring home something from Israel. When visiting our homeland and then returning to one’s home abroad, there is often a demand for souvenirs, not because someone is in need of a specific object but because our family longs for something from our Holy Land. Let it be holy land itself and an olive tree growing upon it. What a significant Bar or Bat Mitzvah gift, Wedding gift or gift in honor of a new baby or beloved grandparent it would be!

For more information to purchase land in Israel>>

As we know, the ancient land of Israel included most of what is called Jordan today, as was confirmed by the San Remo Convension’s Mandate for Palestine in 1922. Yet pan-Arabists, many descended from migrant workers who came for the better pay and better treatment afforded them by returning Jews, are taking over land in Israel in order to force Islamic control of our Eretz HaKodesh. In the Galil, Arabs are buying up all the land the can get. In the Negev, the Arabs are mainly taking possession of land without regard for law and in Samaria, they are simply stealing large tracts of land. How can we counter such blatant, politically motivated transgressions? The most powerful and stable way is for Jews to purchase the land privately. It is in your hands. What will you do?

For more information to purchase land in Israel

This article was written in cooperation with B'Ahavat Yisrael Investments Ltd, financial management of the Buy a Piece of Israel project