Rabbi Pinto inspires Israel: Rabbis, public figures and celebrities

  (photo credit: Shuva Israel)
(photo credit: Shuva Israel)

Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto spent a day packed with Torah talks and reception hours. He had come to Israel for a short visit, during which he delivered an inspiring talk at the Shuva Yisrael yeshiva hall in Ashdod, with about 3,000 people attending.

Later, many came to receive his blessing and advice, including hassidic leaders, rabbis, public figures, businessmen and celebrities from all shades of the spectrum in Israel.

Shuva Israel

Among the celebrities who received Rabbi Pinto's blessing, several stood out: the singer Odia, Linor Abergil, Yafit Levy, the children's star Miki, Shir Sadna of Sher Fitness, Bar Cohen and Elihav, Omer Hazan, Adi Leon, Pini Belili, Sharon Maimar, Assaf Davol, Adv. Shay Elias, Adel Besoflov, Mach Eved and others.

Rabbi Pinto stated both in his main talk and in his personal conversations when receiving the public that the trial of our generation is peace and brotherhood. "Every generation has its own trial, but today the great trial is not to be part of a controversy," said Rabbi Pinto.

  (credit: Shuva Israel)
(credit: Shuva Israel)

He asserted, "Look at what is happening all around us in the world: instability, everything is falling apart, and everything involves disputes. Disputes between countries and between people. Even here in Israel, one group is against another group. This is our trial, to stay away from controversy, and increase peace and brotherhood among everyone. All of us are brothers, we are all sons of one father," he added.

In the coming weeks Rabbi Pinto is expected to undergo a complex operation. Yesterday, during the main talk, he called on his students to pray for him and strengthen their Torah and mitzvah observance.

This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel