Everyone knows that the Hereafter is a place of great pleasure but even on earth we can experience a tiny form of those pleasures [me’ein olam habo]. How does one achieve this? How does one feel and experience here in This World some of the pleasure connected to the Next World [to be a ben olam habo]?
Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto explained in his talk that one can experience the pleasure of the Next World if on a daily basis he spreads God’s light.
Rabbi Pinto gave examples: If, for example, you are a barber - instead of gossiping and slandering your customers, strengthen them and encourage them. If you are a taxi driver, instead of talking about politics - talk about faith and holiness. Rabbi Pinto explained: Wherever you find yourself - turn bad into good.
Rabbi Pinto elaborated that a person who fills his everyday life with holiness and goodness will feel some of the pleasure of the Next World because he has imbued his worldly existence with a sprinkling of heavenly existence.
Watch his full words.