Taking Control of Your Diabetes Through Exercise

 (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Most people know they should exercise more, but they still consciously chose not to partake. The same is true of those that may need exercise the most: people with diabetes.
If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, or even if you have been diagnosed as prediabetes from your doctor, here are some reasons why you should make exercising your next favorite hobby.
Why Is It Important?

According to doctors at Angleton Emergency Room, here are five reasons why exercise is crucial to living a healthy life:

  1. Weight Control

If you are diabetic, then maintaining a healthy diet could mean the difference between life and death for you. Daily exercising can ensure that you will be burning off those extra calories that you do not need.

  1. Physical Fitness

Daily exercise can help boost your immune system. When you are diabetic, your immune system is already weakened so a few brisk walks around the block can help combat this. 

  1. Energy

When you are diabetic, sometimes your energy level is low and that can make you feel lethargic. Instead of downing a second cup of coffee, try a few minutes of yoga. You will feel better, and realize that you don’t need that extra caffeine after all. 

  1. Mental and Physical Health

It’s hard to keep your mental health in check if you are not treating your body right. After all, when you feel sluggish, it can also cloud your thoughts.  As of now, there is no cure for diabetes which means it is important for you to keep your body strong. As mentioned above, your immune system is already weakened, so do your best to keep it stronger for longer. 

  1. Discounted Insurance rates

Many people living with Diabetes are not aware that having a regular exercise program may lead to discounted rates on personal insurance products.  Matt Schmidt of Diabetes Life Solutions mentions “certain insurance providers are providing discounts for people with diabetes from 6 percent up to 12 percent on life insurance or health insurance.  Showing insurance providers that you exercise regularly will help you keep hard earned money in your pocket. While these discounts may seem small at first, they do add up over time.”

You Can Do It

Many Doctors recommend adults should engage in a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week. Sounds like a lot right? Yet, when you break it down, it isn't.

  • 150 minutes divided by 7 days= roughly 20 minutes

  • 150 minutes divided by 5 days = roughly 30 minutes 

30 minutes out of your entire day is nothing, you'd probably spend that much time or more sitting on the couch watching television. Yet those 30 minutes watching television doesn't give you a fraction of the benefits a 30-minute walk would.

Also, good news! You don't even have to do it all at once! "A quick walk to the store here and a quick jog around the block there and you would hit your goal.  You can easily find an exercise that you enjoy.  Try yoga, maybe join a CrossFit team, or look into the popular stationary exercise bike Peloton" said Andrew Dominik from Quality Guest Post.  

Make it Fun

Jogging not your thing? That's fine! There are many ways to stay active and keep your heart beating. Here are a few different activities you can do:

  • Dancing 

  • Playing a sport

  • Yoga

  • Biking 

  • Weight lifting 

  • Hiking 

  • Walking your dog

If you are Prediabetes or have Existing Diabetes


If you have prediabetes it means your sugar levels are high and you are at risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes. Yet according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), just by implementing the weekly 150 minutes of exercise can help you reduce your risk by almost 60%!

Type 1 Diabetes

Although there is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes, doctors still stress the importance of daily exercise because it can determine how well your body takes insulin.  Exercise helps you stay in shape an stay fit.

Type 2 Diabetes  

Those with type 2 can help reduce their blood glucose levels with daily exercise, ensuring that they will maintain a healthy sugar level.  Some individuals can completely control their diabetes condition by watching their diet and exercising regularly.

At the End of the Day

Exercising is good for you, plain and simple.  Having a form of diabetes makes it even more important to have some form of an exercise routine.  It is good for the body and it is good for the mind. If you already have a preexisting condition, then it is even more crucial for you to stay active. A few minutes a day is all it takes.