The death of the king of Morocco’s mother: Rabbi Pinto prayed and sent condolences

  (photo credit: Shuva Israel)
(photo credit: Shuva Israel)

Morocco is enveloped in mourning, following the death of Lala Latifah, the mother of King Mohammed VI. World leaders sent condolences to the king and the Jewish community in Morocco declared official mourning.

Immediately at the end of Shabbat, upon hearing the news of the king's mother’s death, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto decided to hold a special talk with a prayer for the soul of the deceased and sent a blessing of condolence and encouragement for the family of King Mohammed VI.

The talk took place at Rabbi Pinto's house in the city of Rabat, the capital of Morocco, and it was transmitted live to dozens of locations around the world.

At the beginning of his speech, Rabbi Pinto said: “With God's help, let's start by honoring our home country Morocco. Today, the king's mother passed away, may God prolong his days on his kingdom.”

Rabbi Pinto added: "We share in the sorrow of the king and of the entire kingdom. We pray for her soul, and we pray that the Holy One, blessed be He, will give strength to the king, and give health and happiness to him and all his family members.”

Rabbi Pinto offered a special prayer for the soul of the deceased and said: "May the Holy One, blessed be He, prolong the king and his family’s days with goodness and their years with pleasure. May his kingdom be lengthened and may he be given strength and joy. May the soul of the deceased reach the highest and best place in heaven.”

Watch the special documentary.

This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel