The latest in restorative dentistry – Pros and cons of same-day dental implants

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(photo credit: freepik)

Dental care is progressing in leaps and bounds, and more and more patients can enjoy a full and healthy smile thanks to new procedures and technology. One of the most recent advances in dental technology is the introduction of same-day dental implants. This new approach to dental implants provides a faster and more efficient roadmap to a restored smile.

Whereas traditional dental implants can take months from start to finish, same-day dental implants have patients leaving the clinic with a full smile the day of their procedure.

At the Forefront of Dental Technology

As Dr. Alexander proudly touts his Dental Clinic in Kiryat Ono, patients can conveniently receive dental implants in one day rather than taking the typical stages over months. This cutting-edge approach provides a time-saving and less invasive procedure with fewer associated risks of surgery and discomfort. In a recent interview, Dr. Alexander who has years of experience with same-day dental implant share his thoughts about this technique.

He explained that this cutting-edge approach is the result of advanced technology and the support of a team of highly skilled professionals. His practice utilizes the latest in digital imaging and planning tools regarding precision and safety in the performance of each implant procedure. It uses state-of-the-art technology to enhance patient outcomes.

The Benefits of Same-Day Dental Implants

Dr. Alexander provided a synopsis of the key benefits that have more and more patients choosing same-day dental implants. First is the time savings that occur in comparison to traditional dental implants. Following traditional implant surgery, patients wait three to four months until complete healing and replacement tooth placement. Same day dental implants take that wait away altogether, and the patient leaves with a full smile immediately.

Both functional and aesthetic qualities of same day dental implants are identical to those of traditional implants. They fill out the smile, restore the shape of the face, and prevent the long-term loss of jawbone that accompanies missing teeth. Patients will achieve a quality of life improvement, with a positive self-image and self-confidence. They can use natural abilities to eat and speak to engage in social activities without worrying about missing teeth.

Considerations Regarding Same-Day Dental Implants

Although Dr. Alexander does speak very highly of this new procedure, he also reminds us that they may not be suitable for all patients. He impresses us that it is always the right choice to visit a dentist for a personalized assessment and custom treatment plan, no matter the procedure. Some conditions may be contraindications for same-day dental implants, such as jawbone depletion, osteoporosis, gum disease, and other conditions that also generally contraindicate surgery.

Although the less-invasive procedures that are same-day implants are still not to be taken lightly, they require a commitment and carry some risks (same as regular dental implants). The less-invasive procedure still carries a risk of complications, albeit rare, and of infection. Keeping up with proper oral hygiene and dental check-ups in the years following may go a long way toward reducing that risk.

An In-Depth Look at the Procedure

Like any health procedure, all is well planned and monitored from start to end. So, what exactly happens when you get same day dental implants? Dr. Alexander shared with us the entire process from start to finish. Each procedure is well-planned, beginning with the consultation, comprehensive oral health assessment, and 3D scans of the jawbone. From there, Dr. Alexander and his team use purpose-built computer aided-design (CAD) software to design the implant placement and customization. 

At the procedure appointment, small implant posts are placed in the jawbone to support crowns or full-arch replacements. Following the placement, in most cases, temporary crowns are placed immediately to give you a full smile. A specialized laboratory creates your final crowns according to the 3D scans taken before and placed as soon as they are completed. In the meantime, however, you have a full smile.

This article was written in cooperation with Dr. Alexander - dental clinic