Tiv Ta’am raises NIS 175,000 for bereaved families

  (photo credit: ASAF LEVI)
(photo credit: ASAF LEVI)

Tiv Ta’am executives, headed by: Hagai Shalom, CEO, Avivit Levi Naim, director of marketing and sales, and Eran Afori, manager of the Netanya branch, held a ceremony on Monday to present their donation to the Or4Family association, which provides assistance and support to parents whose children were killed in battle.

Tiv Ta’am gave a donation to Irit Oren Gunders, chairwoman of the association, and Brig.-Gen. Shlomo Oren in the amount of NIS 175,000, intended for the intensified activity of the association following the war.

The event was held at the flagship branch of Tiv Ta’am in Netanya, which closed the fundraising operation in all branches.

Shalom: "Unfortunately, hundreds of families joined the Or4Family association due to the war. I hope that this donation will help the association, if only a little, to continue supporting those families. As part of Tiv Ta’am's social agenda, we will continue to help and support the various social associations in Israel that support the community in all its aspects.

Oren Gunders: "I am happy and excited about such a large donation. Every year I am excited to receive the donation from Tiv Ta’am, which embraces the association and the bereaved families. This year more than ever in light of the fact that about 700 new families joined during Swords of Iron, we appreciate the commitment and assistance of Hagai Shalom and the customers of the Tiv Ta’am chain. With this donation, they plant light in deserving hearts."

"Since October 7, the association has been working around the clock, by reaching out and supporting all the parents of Swords of Iron soldiers who lost their loved ones in the war, to embrace, strengthen and support through close and empowering experiences."

This article was written in cooperation with Tiv Ta'am