Travel insurance comparison: Tips for saving money and finding the best coverage for your trip

  (photo credit: PEXELS)
(photo credit: PEXELS)

When planning a trip, many people consider travel insurance an extra expense they can do without. However, it is important to remember that travel insurance provides crucial protection and can save you from unforeseen circumstances such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost baggage, and even natural disasters.

Fortunately, finding a good travel insurance policy is not as daunting as it may seem. Following these four simple steps, you can compare travel insurance options and find the best policy to suit your needs and budget.

Step 1: Choose a Date and Destination 

Choosing your travel dates and destination is the first step in selecting the best travel insurance plan. While some policies offer more comprehensive coverage, others are tailored to particular regions or pursuits, like extreme sports. When choosing your policy, consider the kinds of activities you intend to engage in, the duration of your trip, and any potential risks related to your destination.

Step 2: Choose Insurance Coverage 

Once you have determined your travel dates and destination, it is time to choose the required insurance coverage. The minimum coverage typically includes emergency medical coverage and also includes trip cancellation and interruption causing by medical issue and baggage protection. However, some policies may offer additional benefits such as Cancellation of deductible for a rented car, smartphone coverage or  adventure sports coverage or even cover for deterioration of an existing illness

Step 3: Compare Insurance 

When buying travel insurance, comparing the policies of various providers is the most crucial step. Prices can differ significantly based on coverage level and location because not all policies are made equal. Comparison websites can assist you in comparing various policies and offer you various quotations.

Examine the policy's exclusions and the tiny print before comparing them. Examples include policies with rigorous cancellation requirements or don't cover pre-existing medical issues. The policy's coverage limits, deductibles, also customers reviews and ratings of customers who claimed the policy, should all be carefully reviewed.

Take a look on the range of price for basic travel insurance covering medical expenses, trip cancellation and baggage protection for a family of 2 adults age 40 and 2 kids flying to the US for 2 weeks

Step 4: Buy Insurance and Fly

It's time to buy your travel insurance and begin making travel plans after you've examined various policies and determined which one best meets your needs. While traveling, make sure to have a copy of your policy and any pertinent contact details.

Recommendations from Insured About the travel insurance

Here are some common recommendations when it comes to travel insurance:

  1. Always make a comparison on sites that specialize in comparing travel insurance Helps you understand the coverage limits and more important the exclusions, this can be the difference between paying a claim and having a claim rejected
  2. make sure you always complete your insurance application and medical questionnaire truthfully and accurately
  3. Consider purchasing travel insurance when you book your trip to ensure coverage for trip cancellation or interruption causing by medical issue.
  4. Choose a policy that includes the highest emergency medical coverage, especially for US as medical expenses can be exorbitant.
  5. Ensure your insurance policy covers adventure sports and activities if you intend to partake in them.
  6. Don’t buy travel insurance from company oversea  they are usually not including Medical flight for further treatment in Israel.

It's crucial to conduct research before choosing a travel insurance company and to read reviews from other customers. Do not hesitate to consulted with the insurance experts  for recommendations.

Credit: hikingboaz
Credit: hikingboaz


In conclusion, purchasing travel insurance is a wise investment that can give you security and protection while away. Following these four simple steps and comparing different policies, you can find the best travel insurance to suit your needs and budget. Remember to choose a reputable provider and keep a copy of your policy with you while traveling in case of an emergency. Safe travels!

This article was written in cooperation with Shukabit