Under fire: strengthening MDA teams with emergency equipment and supplies

 (photo credit: PUBLICITY MDA)
(photo credit: PUBLICITY MDA)
Hundreds of missiles were fired into Israel in the last hour and MDA teams are moving quickly from scene to scene, providing medical assistance, performing life-saving treatments and quickly referring to designated hospitals.

Crews are working under fire, with very heavy surfaces above their heads and danger is reflected in their lives.
Besides them immediate response drives from the motorcycle unit and special units, paramedics and MDA administration personnel moving from one fall to another and blood services personnel working continuously to provide blood to the hospitals, for the incessant flow of wounded. Magen David Adom stands here at your service in the challenges and difficult moments, and we will continue to do so as long as we need to. We call on citizens to listen to the directives of the back command and act cautiously to protect their lives.

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Photo credit : Publicity MDAEnlrage image
Photo credit : Publicity MDA

Due to this escalation Israel, MDA needs to reinforce the teams immediately with life-saving emergency equipment, in order to meet the challenges under fire.

MDA teams spread across Israel, working around the clock to provide emergency medical care to the wounded.

While citizens stay in shelters or residential secure spaces, MDA's devoted medics and paramedics are called to the scenes under sirens and falling missiles. They risk their lives in order to save ours.

MDA needs life-saving emergency equipment for the medi-cycles, ambulances and Mobile Intensive Care Units; biodegradables, respirators and oxygen tanks, bandages, medications and advanced monitors, which allow continuous monitoring of the patient and prioritizing admission to the hospitals accordingly.

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Photo credit : Publicity MDAEnlrage image
Photo credit : Publicity MDA

MDA serves as the national EMS organization, Blood Bank and Red Cross representative in Israel, and relies on generous donors in Israel and abroad for support. Each donation is crucial.

Israeli Friends of MDA Association calls the public to donate as much as possible and join the efforts against the terror. Keeping MDA strong is in everyone's interest. 

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