Shia Getter, head of The Getter Group, discussed the ins and outs of purchasing property in Israel.
As the owner of Beatriz Bakery, Tamar Wiener has embraced a community of entrepreneurs who have contributed to Israel’s image of the land of opportunity.
'The pride of being part of such a prestigious organization like MDA stays with volunteers wherever they go', says MDA volunteer Sam Goldberg.
A long-standing rabbinic decree in Mexico refuses to recognize converts and admit them into Jewish communities, preventing converts from making aliyah.
Over the past ten years, the Israeli banking system has become much more user-friendly, says Eyal Efrat, first executive vice president and Head of the Technologies Division at Bank Leumi.
“We are telling them the story of how it's good to do aliyah to Jerusalem,” says Eyal Haimovsky, CEO of the Jerusalem Development Authority.
Ayelet Brosh and Nir Shmul discuss adapting Israeli real estate to new Olim’s unique needs and cultural expectations.
Israel-is brought stories of Nova music festival survivors to campuses in the US, bringing these relatable yet horrific stories into regular people’s realities.
"People see Israel as their home, regardless of what we're going through," says Shay Felber of The Jewish Agency on the rising Aliyah demand amid global crises.
Cohen shared insights on navigating Jerusalem's unique real estate, and fostering Jewish identity.