Ethiopian Jews

Adana family to meet with district attorney amid hit-and-run protest

4-year-old Rafael Adana child was struck by a driver while walking with his grandfather in Netanya in May.

Israel must stop its racism and save Ethiopian Jews - opinion

The last Jewish community, which was first exiled 2,000 years ago, is refused aliyah. And who is the refuser? The State of Israel!


Protesters block Ayalon road after the death of an Ethiopian child

Hundreds of protestors blocked Ayalon road on Monday, in response to authorities' refusal to charge a driver who killed a young Ethiopian boy in a hit-and-run accident.

Israel appoints IDF reservist as envoy for Ethiopia aliyah crisis

Thousands of Ethiopian citizens claim they are entitled for aliyah, but Israel says that the aliyah from this country has ended.


Ethiopian Jews demand Israel rescues thousands from war-torn Gondar

A staggering 4,226 individuals from camps in Gondar and Addis Ababa had submitted Aliyah requests as the conflict escalated across Ethiopia.


Operation Tzur Israel reaches milestone: 5,000 Ethiopian olim reunited

The second phase of Operation Tzur Israel, an initiative aimed at facilitating the Aliyah of relatives of Ethiopian Jews to Israel, was completed on Wednesday, as 130 new immigrants arrived.


As a child of survivors, I see my parents in every Ethiopian immigrant to Israel

Similar stories of suffering and making aliyah to Israel unite Israelis of all backgrounds.


Vision of Ethiopian Jewish olim better than Sabra counterparts - study

Torah study at early ages, lack of screentime may be behind the phenomenon.

Israeli gov't D-Gs to visit Ethiopia, try to finalize aliyah for good

The amount of approved olim remaining in Ethiopia is 800, according to Shay Felber, director of the Aliyah and Absorption Unit.


Ethiopian family wins NIS 40,000 after told to prove Jewishness by school

The mother of two told the school that she was Jewish and was married through the rabbinate without having gone through a conversion process, but was still denied registration.

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