
Woman accidentally uses glue instead of eye drops

A Californian woman mistakenly applied glue to her eyes for 3 seconds.

Surgeons save two-year-old's sight after tip of lulav gets stuck in cornea

The boy woke up with a red eye after he and his twin brother were playing with the festive palm branch.

Ninth grader saved from blindness at Sourasky

To cure Eyal’s problem and prevent the deterioration in his eye, he had to undergo a complex and challenging operation.

Look out: Israelis warned of eye-attacking parasites at Kinneret

In recent days, three people who swam at the Kinneret experienced severe inflammation and scarring of the cornea.

Israeli doctors restore eyesight of girl with degenerative disease

Six-year-old Galila Yohannes was diagnosed with a rare hereditary degenerative disease called retinitis pigmentosa (RP). 

Tel Aviv terror victim saves another two lives with cornea donations

Those that received the transplants were a 75-year-old man and an 81-year-old woman.

Vision of Ethiopian Jewish olim better than Sabra counterparts - study

Torah study at early ages, lack of screentime may be behind the phenomenon.

The first signs of Alzheimer's appear in the eyes. Here's what they are

Can doctors examine a person's eyes to see the start of the dementia process?


Mudskippers could be key to understanding evolution of blinking - study

Researchers have suggested that studying mudskippers it could provide insights into the evolution of blinking as these animals transitioned from water to land.

This is what you really see when you close your eyes

We think that when we close our eyes we only see black, but the truth is more complex and interesting than that.

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