free speech

Redefining freedom of speech: Protecting the right to the truth

Could a marketplace with too many ideas put access to truth at risk?

A Florida bill banning ‘ethnic intimidation’ flyers aims to stop the state’s neo-Nazi rise

Hate groups’ activity has been rising in Florida for several years, according to a 2022 report by the Anti-Defamation League


Twitter launches new policy against violent speech

Twitter stresses that its platform should be used for civil discussion and that cannot happen when discourse that promotes violence spreads on its site.

Hosni Mubarak's trial

Reporters from independent Egyptian news outlet referred to trial

Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders ranks Egypt 168th out of 180 countries surveyed in its press freedom index


SCOTUS refused to rule about anti-BDS laws and free speech. Here’s why - interview

US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib accused the Supreme Court of being far right for not hearing the case and ruling on the side of the BDS.

Israeli university lecturers should not push their politics - opinion

Administrations at universities in Israel have created a closed narrative on judicial reform by actively promoting protests against the government.


US Supreme Court convenes on petitions against anti-BDS laws

The American Civil Liberties Union Foundation filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Times in 2018. In 2019 the case was dismissed by the district court.

Russian system to scan internet for undesired content and dissent

Fines will be imposed for those sharing "LGBT propaganda," or share anti-Russian speech


Deplatforming extremists is an effective way to fight hate online - ADL

Organizations that are deplatformed may never recover their audience, a report by the Anti-Defamation League revealed.

Israel's gov't planning to restrict protests with heavy fines, easier arrests - report

Police will be able to heavily fine protesters if they "disobey police instructions" or do not agree to leave the area.

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