The Jerusalem Cinematheque honors Robin Williams’ legacy with a month-long film series starting August 1. Catch classics like Aladdin and Good Will Hunting on the big screen.
“If funding isn’t allocated to films, in a year or two, there will be no Israeli films being released."
The festival, which will include hundreds of new movies from around the world and from Israel, will run at the Jerusalem Cinematheque until July 27.
The series of films looks at very different futuristic movie dystopias, and it can be fun to see what they got wrong and scary to look at what they were right about.
The festival, programmed in collaboration with the English department of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU), begins on June 9 and continues throughout the month.
The Jerusalem Cinematheque calls its festival LiaFEST, in honor of Lia van Leer, the founder of that cinematheque, the Haifa Cinematheque and the film festivals in Jerusalem and Haifa.