Behind the Bylines: Breaking news coverage is the backbone of news, and in Israel, it comes with the added intensity of wartime coverage within the war. Joanie Margulies has been doing just that.
As a father, as a journalist, and as a Jew, I look at these challenges, these daily battles, and realize they are woven into who we are. And, as always, we’ll endure.
In Doha, Blinken advocates for journalist safety as Qatar defends Al Jazeera against allegations of Hamas ties.
Maswadeh spoke about the complexity and difficulty of being Arab in this country, feelings that have intensified since October 7.
Zeidabadi questioned the reasoning behind their imprisonment, asking, "What justification does all this really leave for imprisoning two social reporters?"
Behind the Bylines: A newspaper is nothing without its stories, and Yorkshire-born Alex Winston is the man who makes the stories happen, and is a pillar in the world of Israeli journalism.
His latest book, The War on the West, seeks to defend Western culture against what he regards as a barrage of unjust criticism for perceived past wrongdoings.
The oft-repeated line used by Israel bashers that they are bravely giving voice to a narrative crushed and censored by the established media is as ridiculous as it is tired.
Our role as a watchdog has only made media outlets more careful to avoid bias and maintain professionalism as journalists.
The report noted that an individual carrying both Israeli and British passports was arrested on Tuesday. When he was searched, his Israeli passport was discovered.