
'Unprecedented error': Israel's former top attorney slams justices in Netanyahu trial

Former state attorney Moshe Lador said that he doesn't see a way for Netanyahu to be acquitted in Case 4000.

Netanyahu’s plea deal is in Israel’s public interest - Gideon Sa’ar

Sa'ar tweeted his support for a plea deal after details of a secret meeting between judges and the prosecutor's office was leaked.

What is going on with Israel's judicial selection process? - explainer

POLITICAL AFFAIRS: What does Wednesday’s vote mean about the judicial overhaul, the talks at the President’s Residence and the government’s stability going forward?

Who are the candidates for Israel's Judicial Selection Committee?

The voting for the committee is set to begin in the Knesset plenum just before noon on Wednesday.

Holocaust survivor Judge Thomas Buergenthal passes away at 89

The government of Goettingen, the German city where Buergenthal resided after the war said that he had “tirelessly dedicated himself to reconciliation and for human rights his entire life.”

New York lawyer caught using fake case citations made by ChatGPT

"The court is presented with an unprecedented circumstance," wrote the district judge on the case.

Israeli former High Court justice Jacob Turkel passes away at 88

"Even after his retirement from the bench, Judge Turkel continued to make an important contribution to the State of Israel," Yariv Levin said.

Political appointments ruin Israel's civil service: The Alef case

Political appointments have a cancerous effect on the civil service. In many instances, incompetent people are appointed and the civil service becomes mediocre.


Israel's opposition to lose seat on judge selection panel without deal - Fuchs

Israel's coalition will not control the committee, which will be formed based on the existing makeup * MK Ze'ev Elkin – 'a victory for the opposition'

Judge authorizes prosecutor to make existence of Trump indictment public

Trump will reportedly not be in handcuffs when present in New York next week to face criminal charges.

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