
Endangering human rights: The pitfalls of cultural relativism and critical race theory

Cultural relativism’s empty notions of justice, rights, and welfare have defeated objective truths brought by realism in political argument. 


Judge tosses Trump documents case, ruling prosecutor unlawfully appointed

A US judge dismissed the criminal case against Trump for holding classified documents, ruling Special Counsel Smith was unlawfully appointed, marking another legal victory for Trump.


They hid under bodies but hide their pain no longer: Seeking justice for Oct. 7 survivors

While media spotlight has rightfully focused on the suffering of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, it's vital to acknowledge the thousands of survivors who still struggle and deserve justice.


The Western support for Palestinians: Does it pass the 'Lady Justice test'?

Lady Justice, a blind-folded woman holding the biblically mandated balanced scales, symbolizes that justice must be meted out without fear or favor, regardless of the identity of the opposing sides.

Women must not be afraid to speak out - opinion

In a world teetering on moral decay, a call for women's voices to rise against evil and injustice. Will silence or action shape our future?

Legislation proposed on the representation of terrorists in court

There have been ongoing discussions involving senior police officials, legal advisors and prosecutors on how the perpetrators of the October 7 attack on the Gaza border will be brought to trial.

French man sentenced to 12 years in prison for antisemitic attack

During the heinous attack, the perpetrators tied up the couple, ransacked their home for cash under the stereotype that "Jews don’t put money in the bank," and subjected the young woman to rape.


Red Cross shows clear anti-Israel bias, Jerusalem Institute of Justice claims

Despite numerous social media posts on Palestinians suffering from the war with Hamas, the Red Cross failed to make a single mention of Israeli civilians suffering on October 7 or thereafter.

Getting justice in Tiberias over a law and bad English - comment

A billboard advertising to English-speaking tourists in Tiberias was filled with mistakes, and the "caretaker mayor" said they would look into if it was incorrect.


The argument for retributive justice in cases of femicide in Turkey - study

A new study sought to understand public perceptions on retributive justice in cases of lethal violence against women.

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