The Jewish-Zionist story is also a story of rebirth - Opinion

History of the Jewish People is not one of expulsions and terror, but rebirth after these events, rising from the dust and hoping for better times to come.


WATCH: 'This is how the Israel-Hamas war is impacting the environment'

KKL-JNF Chief Forester Gilad Ostrovsky discusses how the war has impacted Israel’s forests.

Four months into the war, Israel’s South needs help and healing

Since the war broke out on October 7, KKL-JNF has deployed its resources in Israel’s South to help those most in need.

The war has increased the number of at-risk youth in Israel. You can help

KKL-JNF is currently operating programs for at-risk youth in thirty-four municipalities in Israel. KKL-JNF is currently operating programs for at-risk youth in thirty-four municipalities in Israel.

For Israelis with special needs, the war has been hard. This is how KKL-JNF helps

Since October 7, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) has stepped up its efforts to help the most vulnerable populations in Israel.

A message of revival: ‘We will flourish and emerge victorious’

‘We’re Still Standing’ exhibition, marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, introduced by KKL-JNF, Israel’s Permanent Mission to the UN, and Jewish Restitution Organization.


Families of Nova victims plant trees in Re’im to honor their loved ones

For Tu Bishvat, the Jewish 'New Year of Trees', KKL-JNF is asking its supporters to help Israel bloom again after the October 7 massacre.

‘Restore the greenery – connect to the land’

KKL-JNF’s Planting Week, part of Tu Bishvat celebrations, was held this year in a special spirit of remembrance – against the background of fierce fighting on Israel’s borders.


Helping Israel bloom in a time of war

For Tu Bishvat, the Jewish 'New Year of Trees', KKL-JNF is inviting people in Israel and all over the world to plant a sapling - either in person or via Zoom.

Jerusalem for sale: Will Israel's capital go to the highest bidder?

A tenant organization charges that KKL-JNF and the municipality were dividing Jerusalem up to the highest bidders. Who will finally put limits on the changes to Jerusalem on such a grand scale?

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