The German-born singer releases her second album in Hebrew, reflecting on Zionism and motherhood in Israel.
"This program is a game-changer for the rehabilitation of the area," said Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer. "We're not just improving healthcare; we're rebuilding communities."
When Ari Grazi asked Lübba Wintzer out on a date, she said it would only be if he wanted to make aliyah. But he had already resolved to do so two months prior.
This summer, 2000 newcomers are arriving via 14 Aliyah group flights, and 60 Olim are expected to touch down at Ben Gurion Airport on Tuesday morning.
"We are excited to bring Israela's proven expertise to English-speaking communities," says Colonel Vach. "Aliyah is a response to strengthening Israel amidst adversity."
The Aliyah and Integration Ministry reported that in the last decade, 602 women named Ruth and Naomi have made aliyah to Israel, reflecting cultural and historical connections.
Your aliyah is not only a physical, geographical transition, it is in fact joining the Jewish people’s historical and national journey toward building a strong, safe, and prosperous home.
"Every time I left Israel, I always felt I would come back." Jordan Weil's aliyah journey.
The campaign calls for Jews to commit 'Davka' (doing the opposite of what they are told) and move to Israel now.
Hockey fans accustomed to Stan Fischler’s eloquence describing hockey may find his fervor in describing the beauty of northern Israel surreal, but it is authentic.