Australia stopped referring to the West Bank as occupied in 2014, now they plan to revert to this terminology.
Israeli-Saudi peace is a good thing, but only when it also includes ending the occupation and reaching Israeli-Palestinian peace.
The results of the second quarter of 2023 indicate a decline in the popularity of Fatah and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Israel’s government argued that its hold on the West Bank cannot be considered an occupation, because the territory historically belonged to ancient Israel.
I tried to explain that just like us, almost all Palestinians want to control their own destiny and they do not want to live under the oppression and humility of occupation.
“We no longer believe it’s possible to convince the majority of the Israeli public to accept our positions,” Becher said, “so our mission is to advocate overseas for international intervention.”
Hairdressers, beauticians and related workers were the jobs most frequently exposed to 13 agents, including ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, organic dyes and more.
One of the direct benefits of this change is the return of the word “occupation” to our discourse, a word that over the years has almost turned into a mockery.
Using legal and humanitarian arguments to justify Palestinian demands ignores Israel’s legitimate claims to Judea and Samaria and its security needs.
Israel should base its policy on the principle that ultimately there will be an independent, and yes, demilitarized Palestinian state that lives in peace with Israel.