
Tropical Storm Hilary unleashes flash floods in California

One person died in Mexico amid reports of flash flooding in the peninsula, where some roads were swept away.

Winter in Israel.

Thunderstorms in June? Here's why it's raining in Israel

Israel is experiencing an unusually rainy June with both thunderstorms and heat waves occurring.

Unseasonal thunderstorms, high temps and rain sweep Israel

High temperatures and dust and haze coming from the south are expected throughout the day.

Heatwaves and thunderstorms: Israel set for weekend of unusual weather

While temperatures will be unseasonably hot over the weekend, unusual rain and thunderstorms will be observed in much of the country.

These fungi are able to have a conversation in the forest, researchers say - study

The study also showed that the fungi have stronger communication shortly after heavy rainfall.

Are Israelis incapable of accepting good news? - analysis

Give the denizens of Zion some good news and in most cases they won’t believe you, they’ll try to figure out where the catch is – because there must be a catch.


Will Israel's April showers really bring May flowers?

Saturday night saw Mount Hermon covered with several centimeters of snow with the temperature dropping below zero celcius.


US could be significantly wetter by century’s end, new data suggests

New climate data predicts increase in highly intense days of rain, snow with up to 30% more moisture on those days

 Jerusalem on a cold rainy day in spring, April 13, 2023.

Rain and thunderstorms set to rage on across Israel until weekend

On Friday, there will be a significant increase in temperatures, but they will still be slightly lower than normal for the season.


Roads blocked in South as floods, heavy rains surprise Israel

Mount Hermon closed to visitors due to heavy snowfall • Highway 90 closed off, Health Ministry issues warning against bathing in Tel Aviv beaches

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