This beautiful area in the north of the country is well known for its array of aquatic birds and interesting past.
By YONI COHENHula Valley gallery 311(photo credit: Wiki Commons)
The Hula Valley is a beautiful part of the country where it is also possible to see a whole host of aquatic birds.
Hula Valley gallery 465 (photo credit: Wiki Commons)Hula Valley gallery 465 2 (photo credit: Wiki Commons)Hula Valley gallery 465 3 (photo credit: Wiki Commons)Hula Valley gallery 465 4 (photo credit: Wiki Commons)
The area can be explored using a combination of driving and walking. Start at the Hula Nature Reserve on the footpath that passes along water canals and offers great views of the mountain scenery as well as the wildlife, which includes ducks, coots, and herons. Pelicans, gulls, herons and cormorants can be seen from a large wooden deck in the middle of the lake. Make sure to check out the Oforia Visitor Center and experience the audio-visual show that brings to life the wildlife of the area using multimedia technology. Get back in the car and drive north, turning right onto Route 90. When you reach the Metzudat Koach Junction turn left up the mountain towards the Nabi Yusha observation point. Take advantage of the great views of the valley which is spread out below.The museum is open Sunday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m., Fridays and holidays 8:00 a.m. till 3:30 p.m., Saturdays and holidays 9:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m.For further details call 04-6941704.